Issue 14, 2024

Graphene-based iron single-atom catalysts for electrocatalytic nitric oxide reduction: a first-principles study


The electrocatalytic NO reduction reaction (NORR) emerges as an intriguing strategy to convert harmful NO into valuable NH3. Due to their unique intrinsic properties, graphene-based Fe single-atom catalysts (SACs) have gained considerable attention in electrocatalysis, while their potential for NORR and the underlying mechanism remain to be explored. Herein, using constant-potential density functional theory calculations, we systematically investigated the electrocatalytic NORR on the graphene-based Fe SACs. By changing the local coordination environment of Fe single atoms, 26 systems were constructed. Theoretical results show that, among these systems, the Fe SAC coordinated with four pyrrole N atoms and that co-coordinated with three pyridine N atoms and one O atom exhibit excellent NORR activity with low limiting potentials of −0.26 and −0.33 V, respectively, as well as have high selectivity toward NH3 by inhibiting the formation of byproducts, especially under applied potential. Furthermore, electronic structure analyses indicate that NO molecules can be effectively adsorbed and activated via the electron “donation–backdonation” mechanism. In particular, the d-band center of the Fe SACs was identified as an efficient catalytic activity descriptor for NORR. Our work could stimulate and guide the experimental exploration of graphene-based Fe SACs for efficient NORR toward NH3 under ambient conditions.

Graphical abstract: Graphene-based iron single-atom catalysts for electrocatalytic nitric oxide reduction: a first-principles study

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Article information

Article type
03 jan 2024
21 feb 2024
First published
21 feb 2024

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 7058-7067

Graphene-based iron single-atom catalysts for electrocatalytic nitric oxide reduction: a first-principles study

H. Li, D. Wu, J. Wu, W. Lv, Z. Duan and D. Ma, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 7058 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR00028E

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