Themed collection Geoff Cloke at 65: a pioneer in organometallic chemistry

Geoff Cloke at 65: a pioneer in organometallic chemistry
We are delighted to present this collection of articles to celebrate the work of Geoff Cloke on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 9929-9933
Single-molecule magnet properties of a monometallic dysprosium pentalene complex
The pentalene-ligated dysprosium complex [(η8-Pn†)Dy(Cp*)] (1Dy) (Pn† = [1,4-(iPr3Si)2C8H4]2−) and its magnetically dilute analogue are single-molecule magnets, with energy barriers of 245 cm−1.
Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 7085-7088

C–H and H–H activation at a di-titanium centre
An NHC promotes intramolecular C–H activation in bis(pentalene)dititanium; this process is reversed by the addition of hydrogen, forming a dihydride.
Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 13117-13120
Reductive deoxygenation of CO2 by a bimetallic titanium bis(pentalene) complex
The bimetallic bis(pentalene) complex Ti2(μ:η5,η5-C8H4{SiiPr3-1,4}2)2 reduces CO2 to afford dicarbonyl and bridging oxo-complexes.
Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 2769-2771
Bis(pentalene)di-titanium: a bent double-sandwich complex with a very short Ti–Ti bond
The bimetallic bis(pentalene) complex Ti2(μ:η5,η5-C8H4{SiiPr3-1,4}2)2 has been synthesised, and features a novel bent structure with a Ti–Ti double bond.
Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 9434-9436

Trimerisation of carbon suboxide at a di-titanium centre to form a pyrone ring system
Bis(pentalene)dititanium Ti2(μ:η5,η5-Pn†)2 trimerises carbon suboxide (OC
O) to form [{Ti2(μ:η5,η5-Pn†)2}{μ-C9O6}], which contains a 4-pyrone core, via the monoadduct [Ti2(μ:η5,η5-Pn†)2 (η2-C3O2)].
Chem. Sci., 2018,9, 5008-5014
A base-free synthetic route to anti-bimetallic lanthanide pentalene complexes
Homobimetallic complexes of Yb, Eu and Sm bridged by a silylated pentalene ligand have been prepared and intermetallic communication studied by magnetic measurements and cyclic voltammetry.
Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 5587-5597
A study of the molecular and electronic structures of the indium(I) phospholyls [In(η5-P2C3But3)] and [In(η5-P3C2But2)] by X-ray diffraction , photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2000, 1715-1721
The first stable scandocene: synthesis and characterisation of bis(η-2,4,5-tri-tert-butyl-1,3-diphosphacyclopentadienyl)scandium(II)
The first mononuclear η8-coordinated pentalene complex: synthesis and molecular structure of [Ta{η8-C8H4(SiMe3) 2-1,4}Cl3]
The first structurally authenticated zerovalent heteroarene complex of a lanthanide; synthesis and X-ray structure of bis(2,4,6-tri-tert-butyl- phosphorin)holmium(O)
Zirconium complexes incorporating the new tridentate diamide ligand [(Me3 Si)N{CH2CH2N(SiMe3)}2]2–(L); the crystal structures of [Zr(BH4)2L] and [ZrCl{CH(SiMe3)2}L]
On the stability and bonding in bis(η-arene)ianthanide complexes
Synthesis of bis(η-1,3,5-tri-t-butylbenzene) sandwich complexes of yttrium(0) and gadolinium(0); the X-ray crystal structure of the first authentic lanthanide(0) complex, [Gd(η-But3C6H3)2]
Synthesis of binuclear and trinuclear cluster halides of molybdenum and rhenium, and of carbonyl halides of rhenium, iridium, ruthenium, and platinum using metal atoms
Synthesis of hexakis (trimethylphosphine) molybdenum using molybdenum atoms and its X-ray crystal structure
Synthesis of zerovalent bis-(η-arene)(trimethylphosphine)-hafnium and -zirconium compounds using metal vapours
Arene–tungsten chemistry: bis(arene)tungsten hydride derivatives; co-condensation of tungsten atoms from an electron gun source with aromatic hydrocarbons
Synthesis of zerovalent bis-areneniobium compounds using niobium vapour
About this collection
Professor Geoff Cloke FRS celebrates his 65th birthday in 2018.
In a career spanning four decades, his research endeavours have accounted for some of the most innovative synthetic chemistry of the modern era, with his many publications describing truly exceptional organometallic and coordination compounds, and bespoke experimental methods, that portray a unique chemical imagination. In addition to his scientific accomplishments, Cloke can be particularly proud of his successful mentoring, a level of dedication that propelled many students and post-docs on to become research leaders in their own right.
In compiling this collection of some of his research articles, a small cross-section of his friends, colleagues and collaborators, wish to pay tribute to his modesty, compassion and generous personality.