Themed collection 2019 Sustainable Energy and Fuels HOT Articles

Current progress of Pt and Pt-based electrocatalysts used for fuel cells
Due to the growing demand for energy and impending environmental issues, fuel cells have attracted significant attention as an alternative to conventional energy technologies.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 15-30
A review on strategies addressing interface incompatibilities in inorganic all-solid-state lithium batteries
This review focuses on recent advances in interface engineering of solid-state batteries based on inorganic oxide and sulfide solid electrolytes.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3279-3309
Study on photo-degradation of inverted organic solar cells caused by generation of potential barrier between PEDOT:PSS and PBDB-Ts
We investigated the photo-stability of PBDB-T, which is a widely used donor material for organic solar cells (OSCs), in OSCs. The OSCs based on PBDB-T did not show good stability, which can be originated in the dedoping of PEDOT:PSS by PBDB-T.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 3092-3096
Photoelectrochemical concurrent hydrogen generation and heavy metal recovery from polluted acidic mine water
The feasibility of a solar-driven photoelectrochemical process to generate hydrogen fuel from metal mine polluted water while simultaneously recovering heavy metals has been explored.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 3084-3091
Synergetic effects of DMA cation doping and Cl anion additives induced re-growth of MA1−xDMAxPbI3 perovskites
We report a dual-ion exchange and alloy method using DMACl to significantly improve the stability and performance of MAPbI3 perovskites.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2860-2864
Layered metallic vanadium diboride as an active cocatalyst for efficient dye-sensitized photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
Layered metallic VB2 has been identified as an efficient cocatalyst for H2 evolution in an ErB–TEOA system under visible light.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 116-120
High-performance aluminum-ion batteries based on AlCl3/caprolactam electrolytes
Aluminum-ion batteries based on AlCl3/caprolactam (CPL) and AlCl3/urea/CPL electrolytes exhibit worthwhile performances.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 121-127

Ligand dependent oxidation dictates the performance evolution of high efficiency PbS quantum dot solar cells
The stability of lead sulfide (PbS) quantum dots (QD) under continuous illumination in oxygenated environments depends on the choice of ligands, determining the evolution of photovoltaic performance of high efficiency PbS QD solar cells.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 108-115
High-performance rechargeable zinc-based dual-ion batteries
All the reported two kinds of nonaqueous zinc-based battery systems present good electrochemical performance and have good potential for large-scale energy storage with good safety and environmental friendliness.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 101-107
Interface structure regulation of a Ag lithiophilic layer towards uniform lithium nucleation/growth
An ideal lithiophilic modified layer of Ag nanoparticles on the Cu foil was achieved by controlling the reaction time and concentration of Ag+, which devote to the long-term cycles over 400 cycles without lithium density growth.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2995-2999
Environment-friendly, co-catalyst- and solvent-free fixation of CO2 using an ionic zinc(II)–porphyrin complex immobilized in porous metal–organic frameworks
Development of a heterogeneous catalyst composed of a [Zn(II)NMeTPyP]4+[I−]4 complex immobilized in PCN-224 for environment-friendly, co-catalyst-free fixation of CO2 is reported.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2977-2982
A general way to fabricate transition metal dichalcogenide/oxide-sandwiched MXene nanosheets as flexible film anodes for high-performance lithium storage
Composite films comprising MXene nanosheets sandwiched by transition metal dichalcogenides/oxides are constructed as flexible lithium-ion battery anodes through vacuum-assisted filtration.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2577-2582
An organic ligand promoting the electrocatalytic activity of cobalt oxide for the hydrogen evolution reaction
In electrocatalytic water splitting, active, stable and low-cost hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts play key roles in the conversion and storage of renewable energy sources.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2205-2210
Enhancing the production of hydrogen peroxide from electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction by tailoring the electronic states of single-walled carbon nanotubes: a synergistic effect from interior filling and exterior oxidation
Single-walled carbon nanotubes co-modified with interior filling of phosphomolybdic acid and successive exterior oxidation (O-HPMO@SWCNTs) possess better two-electron oxygen reduction reaction performance than the HPMO-filled SWCNTs, oxidized SWCNTs or pristine SWCNTs.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 1951-1956
High power mechanical energy harvester based on exfoliated black phosphorous–polymer composite and its multiple applications
A uniformly dense dispersion of few layer BP (FLBP) nanosheets in PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) matrix is shown to exhibit a remarkably strong mechanical energy harvesting effect with highest peak-to-peak voltage output of about 350 V.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 1943-1950
A photocapacitor with high working voltage and energy density
The carbon-supported graphene/PEDOT common electrode enables the fabrication of photocapacitors with high voltage and energy density.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 1937-1942

Nano-inclusion in one step: spontaneous ice-templating of porous hierarchical nanocomposites for selective hydrogen release
3-D nanocomposites of (reduced) graphene oxide and ammonia borane can be fabricated in a one-step ice templating process from aqueous suspensions. The nanocomposites release hydrogen at a reduced onset temperature, suppressing the release of diborane, borazine and ammonia.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 396-400
ALD Pt nanoparticles and thin-film coatings enhancing the stability and performance of silicon photocathodes for solar water splitting
ALD is used to deposit Pt nanoparticles capped by ultra-thin SiO2 layers of various thicknesses to enhance the performance and stability of Si photocathodes used for solar water splitting. Enhanced stability is achieved compared to the reference case.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 3115-3123
Self-limiting lithiation of vanadium diboride nanosheets as ultra-stable mediators towards high-sulfur loading and long-cycle lithium sulfur batteries
This work on the “interface is the device” strategy provides insight into interfacial engineering to support the advancement of lithium-sulfur batteries.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 3134-3142
Electrochemical lithium recovery with lithium iron phosphate: what causes performance degradation and how can we improve the stability?
The reason for the capacity fading of LiFePO4 in lithium recovery is explored. And two approaches, reducing the content of oxygen and carbon coating, are put forward, and the mechanism of them are studied.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 3124-3133
Reinforcement of a BiVO4 anode with an Fe2O3 underlayer for photoelectrochemical water splitting
An Fe2O3/BiVO4 heterojunction was found to be successfully formed by placing a haematite underlayer on a BiVO4 anode. This composite anode has a significant improvement in PEC photocurrent in the low bias region.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 3102-3114
Carrier engineering of Zr-doped Ta3N5 film as an efficient photoanode for solar water splitting
Ta3N5 is regarded as a promising candidate material with adequate visible light absorption and band structure for photoelectrochemical water splitting.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2877-2883
Construction of a self-supporting Ni2P–WO3 heterostructure for highly efficient hydrogen evolution under both caustic and acidic conditions
An amorphous Ni2P–WO3/CC based HER catalyst is constructed through a facile and scalable method. The catalyst exhibits excellent electrocatalytic HER activity and two-electrode overall water splitting performance in alkaline solutions.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2884-2892
Electron-transport-layer-free two-dimensional perovskite solar cells based on a flexible poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) cathode
We fabricated electron-transport-layer-free 2D perovskite solar cells using modified PEDOT:PSS as the cathode.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2595-2601

Hydrogen from wood gasification with CCS – a techno-environmental analysis of production and use as transport fuel
Based on our integrated approach linking detailed process simulation with LCA, we are able to quantify benefits and potential trade-offs of clean hydrogen production in a consistent way.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2602-2621

Hydrogen evolution by polymer photocatalysts; a possible photocatalytic cycle
We propose, supported by ab initio calculations, a possible photocatalytic cycle for hydrogen evolution by a prototypical polymer photocatalyst, poly(p-phenylene), in the presence of a sacrificial electron donor.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2622-2632
In situ synthesis of graphitic C3N4–poly(1,3-dioxolane) composite interlayers for stable lithium metal anodes
A g-C3N4–poly(1,3-dioxolane) (CN–PDOL) composite interlayer was in situ synthesized by polymerization upon a lithium metal anode. The synergistic effect could increase the electrochemical performance of the lithium metal anode.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2021,5, 2433-2440
Red phosphorus confined in hierarchical hollow surface-modified Co9S8 for enhanced sodium storage
The encapsulation-type structured P@Co9S8 materials assembled with surface-modified hierarchical hollow spherical Co9S8 exhibit ultralong cycling and high rate performance for SIBs.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 2208-2219
Ammonia-etching-assisted nanotailoring of manganese silicate boosts faradaic capacity for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors
Nanotailoring of active manganese silicate with an average particle size of about 20 nm is realized by an ammonia-etching-assisted route, delivering a 3.55-times higher faradaic capacity than the traditional yolk–shell counterpart in hybrid supercapacitors.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 2220-2228
Nano Fe and Mg2Ni derived from TMA-TM (TM = Fe, Ni) MOFs as synergetic catalysts for hydrogen storage in MgH2
In situ generated Mg2NiH4/Mg2Ni and α-Fe work as synergetic catalysts to improve the hydrogen sorption behaviors of the MgH2/Mg system.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 2192-2200
Vertical kinetically oriented MoS2–Mo2N heterostructures on carbon cloth: a highly efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalyst
Vertically aligned MoS2–Mo2N/CC enables fast electron transfer, moderates the hydrogen binding energy, and shortens the H2 diffusion path.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 2201-2207
Integrating ZnCo2O4 submicro/nanospheres with CoxSey nanosheets for the oxygen evolution reaction and zinc–air batteries
A facile approach is developed to prepare ZnCo2O4/CoxSey composites, where the synergistic effect significantly boosted the OER and ZAB performance.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 2184-2191
3D-Printed electrodes for membraneless water electrolysis
This work describes a membraneless electrolyzer in which all key components are fabricated by 3D-printing processes.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 213-225
A perspective on practical solar to carbon monoxide production devices with economic evaluation
Solar-chemical production is one of the most promising options for producing valuable chemicals from greenhouse gases.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 199-212
CsPbBr3 nanocrystal inks for printable light harvesting devices
NC inks optimization for thin film solar cells printing.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 171-176
Micropores-in-macroporous gel polymer electrolytes for alkali metal batteries
Micropores-in-macroporous polymer membranes containing an immobilized-liquid electrolyte enable dendrite-free alkali metal batteries.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 177-189
A photo-crosslinkable bis-triarylamine side-chain polymer as a hole-transport material for stable perovskite solar cells
A crosslinkable acrylate random copolymer with both bis(triarylamine) and photocrosslinkable cinnamate side chains is compared to the widely used poly(4-butyl-triphenylamine-4′,4′′-diyl) as a hole-transport material in perovskite solar cells.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 190-198
Electrochemical hydrogen production on a metal-free polymer
Demonstration of hydrogen production on metal-free poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) film.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3387-3398
Formation of highly porous CuCo2O4 nanosheet assemblies for high-rate and long-term lithium storage
Mixed transition metal oxides with high theoretical capacity show great potential to replace carbonaceous anode materials in lithium-ion batteries.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3370-3374
Analysis of the effect of catalyst layer thickness on the performance and durability of platinum group metal-free catalysts for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
A simple approach based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement is adopted to elucidate the effect of mixed ion and electron transport limitations during materials aging in platinum group metal-free catalysts for PEMFC.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3375-3386
Boosting the visible-light photoactivities of BiVO4 nanoplates by Eu doping and coupling CeOx nanoparticles for CO2 reduction and organic oxidation
Visible-light photoactivities of BiVO4 nanoplates have been promoted by doping Eu to enhance the charge separation and coupling CeOx nanoparticles to modulate the thermodynamic energy of the photoelectrons.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3363-3369
The preparation and mechanistic study of highly effective PtSnRu ternary nanorod catalysts toward the ethanol oxidation reaction
Although Pt-based anodes have shown promising electrochemical behaviors toward EOR, the rational optimization of structures and compositions of catalysts is not fully understood due largely to the lack of mechanistic insights.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3352-3362
Highly mesoporous Fe and N Co-doped graphitic catalysts prepared from short-time synthesis of precursor towards highly efficient oxygen reduction
Fe and N co-doped graphitic catalysts were prepared with a high mesopore volume and graphitic structure towards efficient oxygen reduction reaction.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3335-3343
Cerium and nitrogen doped CoP nanorod arrays for hydrogen evolution in all pH conditions
Cerium and nitrogen co-doped CoP nanorod arrays on carbon fiber cloth were developed as pH-universal HER electrocatalyst with the low overpotentials of 66 mV, 72 mV, and 41 mV at 10 mA cm−2 in 0.5 M H2SO4, 1 M PBS, and 1 M KOH, respectively.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3344-3351
Rational synthesis of Pt-based dandelion-like yolk–shell nanoparticles with enhanced oxygen reduction properties
Pd@PtPd dandelion-like yolk–shell nanoparticles (Pd@PtPd DYSNs) with uniform morphology and size are fabricated with excellent oxygen reduction activity.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3329-3334
The oxygen reduction reaction catalyzed by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 flavodiiron proteins
Photosynthetic flavodiiron proteins catalyze oxygen reduction at non-heme iron sites (brown spheres) using flavin (FMN) mediated electron transfer (black arrows).
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3191-3200
Comparative well-to-wheel life cycle assessment of OME3–5 synfuel production via the power-to-liquid pathway
In this study, a holistic well-to-wheel (WtW) life cycle assessment of the production and utilization of short oligomers of OME3–5 as produced via a Power-to-Liquid (PtL) pathway has been conducted.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3219-3233
Improving the oxygen evolution activity of Co3O4 by introducing Ce species derived from Ce-substituted ZIF-67
Proper control of the introduced Ce amount and species in Ce–Co3O4 composites derived from Ce-substituted ZIF-67 precursors could precisely tune the Co3+/Co2+ ratio and induce surface oxygen defects, further boosting the OER performance.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3201-3207
A layered Bi2Te3 nanoplates/graphene composite with high gravimetric and volumetric performance for Na-ion storage
A one-pot solvothermal method was used to prepare a layered Bi2Te3 nanoplates/graphene composite with outstanding gravimetric and volumetric Na-ion storage performance.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3163-3171
In situ formation of a renewable cellulose hydrogel electrolyte for high-performance flexible all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors
Renewable cellulose hydrogels have been fabricated as the electrolyte for high-performance flexible all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3109-3115
Hybridizing amorphous NiOx nanoflakes and Mn-doped Ni2P nanosheet arrays for enhanced overall water electrocatalysis
A novel hierarchical core–shell hybrid nanostructured electrocatalyst (A-NiOx-20/Mn-Ni2P) showed high bifunctional activity towards overall water splitting.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3093-3100
ZIF-67-derived edge-oriented graphene clusters coupled with carbon nanotubes containing encapsulated Co nanoparticles for high-frequency electrochemical capacitors
Pyrolized ZIF-67 modified by edge-oriented graphene (EOG) shows great potential to be used as electrode for high frequency electrochemical capacitors (HF-ECs).
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3029-3037
Noble-metal-free NiFe nanoparticles immobilized on nano CeZrO2 solid solutions for highly efficient hydrogen production from hydrous hydrazine
Noble-metal-free NiFe nanoparticles were successfully immobilized on nano CeZrO2 solid solutions by a simple impregnation–reduction method, exhibiting a high catalytic activity and 100% H2 selectivity for hydrogen generation from hydrazine solution.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3071-3077
Nature-inspired salt resistant polypyrrole–wood for highly efficient solar steam generation
Solar steam generation has emerged as a promising and sustainable method of addressing the water shortage issue. The fabricated PPy–wood exhibits high solar energy conversion efficiency and excellent salt resistant performance.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3000-3008
Microwave-assisted pyrolysis and analytical fast pyrolysis of macroalgae: product analysis and effect of heating mechanism
The potential of macroalgae species to produce high value chemicals and bio-oil is evaluated using microwave-assisted and conventional fast pyrolysis.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 3009-3020
Controllable construction of oxygen vacancies by anaerobic catalytic combustion of dichloromethane over metal oxides for enhanced solar-to-hydrogen conversion
A facile anaerobic catalytic combustion method is used for controllable oxygen vacancy construction of metal oxides for enhanced solar-to-hydrogen conversion.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2742-2752
Photoelectrochemical-voltaic cells consisting of particulate ZnxCd1−xSe photoanodes with photovoltages exceeding 1.23 V
A photoelectrochemical-voltaic cell consisting of ZnxCd1−xSe photoanodes generates a photovoltage higher than the thermodynamic onset voltage for water splitting, 1.23 V.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2733-2741
Operation of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells using natural cellulose fiber membranes
Natural cellulose fiber membranes were used as simple scaffolds for low-cost and stable proton exchange membranes in fuel cells.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2725-2732
Single-crystal and hierarchical VSe2 as an aluminum-ion battery cathode
A single-crystal and hierarchical VSe2 cathode exhibits the highest discharge specific capacity of about 419.1 mA h g−1.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2717-2724
Commercially available InSb as a high-performance anode for secondary batteries towards superior lithium storage
This paper reports the possible application of commercially available InSb alloys as an appealing anode host for lithium storage.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2668-2674
A single layer of Fe3O4@TiO2 submicron spheres as a high-performance electrode for lithium-ion microbatteries
High-capacity electrodes with an ultrathin layer configuration represent a suitable component for modern microbatteries.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2675-2687
High capacity vanadium oxide electrodes: effective recycling through thermal treatment
The current paper demonstrates that thermal regeneration is an effective approach to recover material crystallinity, restore functional delivered capacity of the degraded phases, while retaining the integrity of the parent electrode.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2615-2626
Ammonia borane and hydrazine bis(borane) dehydrogenation mediated by an unsymmetrical (PNN) ruthenium pincer hydride: metal–ligand cooperation for hydrogen production
The pyrazole-based RuII unsymmetrical pincer hydride (tBuPNN*)RuH(CO) has been exploited as ammonia borane and hydrazine bis(borane) dehydrogenation catalyst in THF solution at ambient temperature.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2583-2596
Graphene quantum dot induced tunable growth of nanostructured MnCo2O4.5 composites for high-performance supercapacitors
A method that adapts graphene quantum dots (GQDs) as structural inducing agents to tune the morphology of MnCo2O4.5/GQDs composites is developed, and utilized to enhance their electrochemical performance for supercapacitor applications.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2499-2508
CePO4, a multi-functional catalyst for carbohydrate biomass conversion: production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, 2,5-diformylfuran, and γ-valerolactone
Optimum acidity and oxidation capability of CePO4 facilitate the production of carbohydrate derived value added chemicals such as 5-hydroxymethyl furfural, 2,5-diformylfuran, and γ-valerolactone under eco-friendly mild reaction condition.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2475-2489
Solvent-controlled solid-electrolyte interphase layer composition of a high performance Li4Ti5O12 anode for Na-ion battery applications
Ultra-high rate Na-ion battery operating over wide range of temperature is demonstrated with engineered-Li4Ti5O12 electrode. Performance with different electrolyte solvents is correlated to the resultant solid-electrolyte interphase layer composition.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2490-2498
Confined growth of MoSe2 nanosheets in N-doped carbon shell with hierarchical porous structure for efficient hydrogen evolution
Construction of a reasonable composite architecture to enhance the robustness, alleviate the aggregation, and simultaneously improve the intrinsic poor conductivity is the key to realizing the synthesis of highly efficient noble-metal-free MoSe2-based electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER).
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2409-2416
Control loading Au nanoparticles on the surface of hydroxyl pillar[5]arene functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes and its application in catalysis and sensing
The schematic representation for the catalysis and sensing applications of Au@HP5@SWCNT.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2312-2320
Nickel phosphide decorated with trace amount of platinum as an efficient electrocatalyst for the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction
Electrocatalytic water-splitting is considered as a highly promising technology for the sustainable production of hydrogen.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 2006-2014
ZnO-nitrogen doped carbon derived from a zeolitic imidazolate framework as an efficient counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells
ZnO-nitrogen doped carbon (ZnO-NC) derived ZIF-8 mixed with polystyrenesulfonate-doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT:PSS) employed as an efficient catalyst in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs).
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 1976-1987
About this collection
Welcome to our online rolling collection of the hottest work published in Sustainable Energy and Fuels. Here we feature all 2019 Sustainable Energy and Fuels articles highlighted as HOT by the handling editor or our referees. Congratulations to all the authors whose articles are featured.