b and
Guilhem P.
aINSA Lyon, UCBL, CNRS, MATEIS, UMR5510, 69621, Villeurbanne, France. E-mail: guilhem.baeza@insa-lyon.fr
bENSL, CNRS, Laboratoire de physique, F-69342 Lyon, France
First published on 6th November 2024
The present work emphasizes the relevance of low-field NMR relaxometry to investigate colloid-polymer hydrogels by probing water dynamics across a wide range of formulations between 10 °C and 80 °C. By examining the temperature dependence of the transverse relaxation time T2, we demonstrate a clear link between the NMR response and the rheological behavior of the hydrogels. In particular, we show that NMR relaxometry targeting the solvent provides reliable insights into the hydrogel microstructure and allows the detection of phase transitions and aging processes. Our findings suggest that this solvent-focused technique could greatly benefit the soft matter community, complementing other experimental methods in the study of gels.
Besides, the amphiphilic character of natural polymer-based hydrogels makes them particularly thermo-sensitive, including within the narrow temperature window defined by water crystallization and vaporization (0 and 100 °C).19 In addition to irreversible chemical alteration, temperature changes can significantly impact chain conformation (e.g., protein denaturation)20, or strongly influence the gelation scenario, leading to major topological changes of the network.21 Such changes have been evidenced by multiple techniques, among which low-field (LF) NMR relaxometry was shown to yield precious insights regarding the microstructure of complex biological tissues22,23 and foodstuff.24–27 This technique, which is used to obtain information about the mobile protons of a sample, has also been recently coupled to rheometry offering time-resolved information on the sample microstructure under shear.28–31 In solid porous media, low-field NMR targets the solvent to compute the sample's pore size distribution.32 In contrast, in aqueous suspensions and hydrogels, where water is replaced by D2O to mask the contribution from the proton of the solvent, low-field NMR targets the dynamics of the dispersed phase alone.
Here, we take a mixed approach by conducting LF 1H-NMR experiments on CB–CMC hydrogels to monitor the dynamics of water, i.e., the solvent, over a wide range of compositions and temperatures. The use of the popular Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) pulse routine33–35 allows us to measure the spin–spin (transverse) relaxation time T2, which, in the case of pure water is of several seconds.36 Our results clearly show that LF-NMR experiments targeting the solvent can effectively detect the sol–gel transition, thermally-induced phase transition, and physical aging. This makes it a promising and complementary technique to the traditional focus on the dispersed phase.
In the following, samples are denoted through the code “CMCX-CBY,” where X and Y represent the mass fraction (in wt%) of CB and CMC, respectively (see technical details in the Experimental section). Typical CPMG experiment outputs are presented in Fig. 1 for a low-density gel, i.e., a hydrogel of composition CMC0.01–CB2 where the transverse magnetization of hydrogen atoms (almost exclusively coming from water) I(t) decreases over a characteristic time T2 following the expression
I(t) = I0exp(−t/T2), | (1) |
Fig. 1 LF-NMR CPMG signal normalized by I0, the signal amplitude extrapolated at t = 0 s extracted from fitting the data with eqn (1) (black solid lines). Measurements are performed on a CMC0.01–CB2 hydrogel, every 10 °C between 10 °C and 80 °C (see color code from dark blue to red). Inset: Same data in semi-logarithmic representation. |
Fig. 2 gathers the times T2 measured across all samples investigated between 10 and 80 °C. The first row highlights the impact of CB content (xCB = 0–8 wt%) in three hydrogel matrices made of 0.01, 0.5, and 3 wt% of CMC, while the second row examines the impact of CMC concentration (cCMC = 0.01–3 wt%) for three CB contents 2, 4, and 8 wt%. At first glance, T2 generally decreases as the reciprocal temperature increases, reflecting the reduced mobility of water molecules. As expected, and consistent with our previous work on CMC hydrogels,46T2 in CB-free samples follows an Arrhenius dependence across the entire temperature range, expressed as:
T2 = T02exp(−Ea/RT) | (2) |
(3) |
Fig. 2 Spin–spin relaxation time T2vs. reciprocal temperature for selected formulations varying xCB between 0 and 8 wt% for cCMC = 0.01, 0.5, and 3 wt% (top row, left to right) and varying cCMC between 0.01 and 3 wt% for xCB = 2, 4, and 8 wt% (bottom row, left to right). Solid lines are Arrhenius fits of data in the whole temperature range (top row) and the 283–323 K range (bottom row). Symbols refer to the rheological behavior: circle and cross: viscoelastic liquid, square: colloidal gel, and triangle: polymer gel (see the diagram in Fig. 3). |
Beyond the evolution of T2 with the temperature and the gel formulation, it is also worth noting that Ea, extracted from Arrhenius fits between 10 °C and 50 °C, clearly decreases as either cCMC or xCB increases. Its values range from ca. 19 kJ mol−1 in the most dilute samples (e.g., CMC0.01–, CMC0.1– and CMC-0.5–CB0), to nearly 0 kJ mol−1 in the densest hydrogel (CMC3–CB8), where T2 no longer seems to depend on temperature. Although it might be tempting to link these activation energies to effective binding energies determined in rheology,47 the interpretation in NMR is quite the opposite. Here, a low activation energy corresponds to high thermal stability in a material where water molecules move through a dense network with slow polymer dynamics.45 While a quantitative correlation between Ea and the network density/topology remains elusive, comparing these values with rheological properties allows us to build a remarkable phase diagram presented in Fig. 3. This diagram integrates (i) the sample rheological state – either viscoelastic liquid, polymer gel, or colloidal gel, as defined above in the introduction (data extracted from ref. 18) – and (ii) the Ea values measured from NMR experiments (see the color map). This dual analysis clearly illustrates the above-mentioned trend, showing that Ea decreases with increasing CB or CMC content, and highlights the excellent agreement between the two techniques in defining the polymer gel domain, which encompasses the densest materials (red zone). In addition, the highest Ea values (purple zone) are only observed in CB-free hydrogels, whereas nearly CMC-free gels display intermediate values (light green) across a wide range of xCB, indicating that the impact of CB and CMC on Ea is not equivalent. This observation supports the correlation between macroscopic rheological properties and local water diffusion: a CB-free liquid-like sample containing a relatively high fraction of (partly hydrophilic) CMC results in a lower impact on Ea than a gel made of a small fraction (e.g., 0.01 wt%) of CMC decorating a physically cross-linked network of (hydrophobic) CB particles. In other words, T2 is more sensitive to the presence of a 3D network (even if loose and made of strands that do not interact with water molecules) than to an increase in the concentration of a polymer that interacts favorably with water in solution. Although not directly comparable, this result aligns with observations in polymer melts, where T2 decreases with increasing cross-link density in a nearly identical chemical environment.48 The situation becomes more complex when moving away from the left- and bottom-axes of the diagram, where it appears that CMC and CB interact synergistically to influence Ea. This translates into the centro-symmetric color gradient originating from the CMC3–CB8 formulation (top-right corner of the diagram). In this region, which includes the densest viscoelastic liquids and colloidal gels, as well as all the polymer gels, Ea values progressively decrease as the material densifies, regardless of whether CB or CMC concentrations are increased. The transition from colloidal gel to viscoelastic liquid implies, in this case, a decrease of Ea (see e.g., xCB = 4 wt%), suggesting that favorable CMC–water interactions dominate the gelation process.
Fig. 3 Phase diagram gathering rheological state determined at T = 22 °C extracted from ref. 18 and low-temperature apparent activation energies reported in Fig. 2. Symbols mark the sample formulations investigated in the present work. Squares, triangles, circles, and crosses correspond to viscoelastic liquids, polymer gels, colloidal gels, and a CB-free polymer solution, respectively. The color map is interpolated using the Gouraud shading from the matplotlib package (Python). Ea values are reported in ESI,† Section S2. |
Beyond the low-temperature regime mainly described by the phase diagram, a closer look at high-temperature data in Fig. 2 reveals a striking non-monotonic evolution of T2 in several formulations, particularly noticeable for xCB = 4 wt%. Overall, increasing the gel density systematically results in a progressive transition of T2(T) from (i) a monotonic Arrhenius profile, to (ii) a monotonic non-Arrhenius profile, and then to (iii) a non-monotonic profile (see e.g., the cCMC = 0.01% panel). While an Arrhenius profile is commonly expected from water molecules that steadily gain mobility with increasing temperature,49 a non-monotonic evolution here suggests a thermally induced modification of the network structure. Such a modification can be attributed to a change in the conformation of CMC polymers, which form a percolated network of increasing connectivity for higher temperatures, even in the absence of CB particles.45 This is further confirmed by CPMG experiments performed upon cooling, which show a perfect overlap of T2 during heating and cooling for samples with an Arrhenius profile, while revealing a significant decrease in T2 in the cooling branch for other profiles (see ESI,† Section S3). Interestingly, this hysteresis becomes more pronounced in samples with higher CB content, suggesting that denser colloid-polymer hydrogels exhibit a stronger tendency to age with changes in temperature. Although the low Ea values make it challenging to observe the non-monotonic trend of T2 in dense gels, this observation indicates that the rheological properties of these materials are likely to evolve in a complex manner upon heating.
In line with this reasoning, Fig. 4 shows the frequency dependence of the storage modulus of CMC3–CB8 measured on three different samples at 10 °C, 50 °C, and 70 °C. All three spectra exhibit a low-frequency plateau, which is linked to the topological density of the gel through entropic elasticity,50 and a high-frequency power-law evolution with an exponent α, corresponding to the relaxation modes of the network strands. As expected, increasing the temperature from 10 °C to 50 °C accelerates the strand relaxation dynamics and decreases the lifetime of attractive interactions (“stickers”),51 resulting in a significant decrease of G′ at both high- and low-frequencies. However, at 70 °C, the situation is more intriguing. Indeed, at this temperature, the plateau modulus increases significantly (by a factor of 4), and the power-law exponent α shifts from the Rouse-like value of 0.5 (observed for 10–50 °C) to 0.3, both of which unambiguously indicate a strong densification of the network, in good agreement with the aforementioned NMR results showing a decrease of T2. For completeness, we also confirm that the aging kinetics vary significantly with the temperature (see inset in Fig. 4), resulting in a rapid increase of G′ at 70 °C. This observation is in line with the non-monotonic onset of T2 observed in most formulations, from 1000/T ≈ 3.0 (i.e., T > 50 °C) in Fig. 2, which suggests a change in the network microstructure, and therefore different aging processes and dynamics.
Fig. 4 Frequency dependence of the storage modulus G′ of the CMC3–CB8 sample measured at 10, 50, and 70 °C for γ = 0.1%. The parameter α is the exponent characterizing the high-frequency power-law response G′ ∼ ωα. Inset: Time sweep measurement performed at ω = 2π rad s−1. See ESI,† Section S4 for G′′. |
To summarize, we have demonstrated that low-field NMR experiments that measure the spin–spin relaxation time T2 using the CPMG pulse sequence, are effective in probing the gelation and structural evolution of polymer–colloid hydrogels. Specifically, when using CMC, we observed a single and unstretched exponential decay of the transverse magnetization across all gel formulations and temperatures, indicating that water molecules are indistinguishable at the T2 timescale (4 s ± 3 s for all the samples). For T < 50 °C, T2(T) allows for extracting an apparent activation energy Ea, which can be directly compared to rheological data, offering an alternative perspective to study gelation. In the loosest networks, Ea is about 19 kJ mol−1, but it decreases to 0 kJ mol−1 in the densest networks, indicating a temperature-independent NMR response. On the other hand, for T > 50 °C, we observed significant network densification and accelerated aging, emphasizing the dominance of CB–CMC interactions over CMC–water and CMC–CMC interactions. These findings are supported by rheological experiments, establishing NMR relaxometry as a practical and valuable tool for systematically investigating hydrogels from the solvent point of view. Perspectives to improve this rheology-NMR dual approach will include systematic measurements of the spin–lattice relaxation time T1,52 which we expect to be much larger than T2 due to the exchange dynamics of water molecules. Pulse-field gradient NMR methods will also be considered to quantify the fraction and the diffusion coefficient of bound molecules in denser gels.53
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (1) T2 = f(cCMC) plots; (2) Ea values for all the samples; (3) cooling vs. heating T2 = f(1000/T) plots and Ea values for the whole set of samples; (4) corresponding viscous modulus of the elastic modulus plotted in Fig. 4; (5) CPMG experiments with various echo times. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4sm01098a |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
§ Present address: Univ. Jean Monnet, Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, UMR 5223, 20 rue Annino, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |