Issue 4, 2024

Triboelectric nanogenerator based on electrospun molecular ferroelectric composite nanofibers for energy harvesting


Ceramic-based ferroelectric materials have long been used as functional ferroelectric materials for applications in triboelectric-energy harvesting. However, their drawbacks (brittleness, energy-intensive fabrication methods, and minimal mechanical flexibility) have intensified the search for alternatives where flexible form factors are needed. Molecular ferroelectrics are an emerging class of multifunctional materials. To date, the intriguing piezo/ferroelectric properties of these materials have led to the construction of piezoelectric nanogenerators. However, their numerous advantages warrant their expansion towards triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs). We aimed to demonstrate the potential of a molecular ferroelectric, diisopropylammonium bromide (DIPAB), in the realm of triboelectric-energy harvesting. Combining ferroelectric properties with enhanced surface modification, we designed an electrospun-based TENG comprising DIPAB/P(VDF-TrFE) as an active negative layer. The synergistic effects emanating from highly aligned polymeric chains and ferroelectric particles in conjunction with a high surface area of the as-designed TENG generated an output voltage of 203.8 V and resulted in a maximum power density of 416.2 mW m−2 when operated in contact separation mode. Its practical application as a sustainable power supply for low-power electronics was demonstrated through powering of commercial electrolytic capacitors and LEDs. This study presents a reliable, cost-effective, and readily scalable method for enhancing TENG performance. This strategy holds potential for application of TENGs in wearable biomechanical-energy harvesting, and paves the way for further advances involving a sustainable energy solution for wearable electronics.

Graphical abstract: Triboelectric nanogenerator based on electrospun molecular ferroelectric composite nanofibers for energy harvesting

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Article type
22 jan 2024
12 apr 2024
First published
15 apr 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Appl. Polym., 2024,2, 634-641

Triboelectric nanogenerator based on electrospun molecular ferroelectric composite nanofibers for energy harvesting

S. Deswal, S. Arab, N. He, W. Gao, B. Lee and V. Misra, RSC Appl. Polym., 2024, 2, 634 DOI: 10.1039/D4LP00024B

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