Size dependent polarities in tribocharged dust aggregates
It is long known that particles of the same material but with different sizes charge with different polarities in mutual collisions. In most cases, the smaller grains become negative. Here, we study tribocharging of (sub-)mm dust aggregates in the course of microgravity experiments by determining the charges of particles through their motion within an electric field. Similar experiments were already conducted with monolithic grains. Here, the constituent dust grains in an aggregate add complexity to the process of tribocharging in various ways. This ranges from the dust size scale, setting local surface curvatures, over shifting grains during collisions, altering the outer surfaces and potentially generating sub-surface tribocharging, to material-dependent tribocharging with a non-homogeneous dust composition. Nevertheless, in concert with the usual size dependence, the small aggregates predominantly charge negatively, the large population charges predominantly positively.
- This article is part of the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified