Issue 3, 2025

Solar energy technologies for desalination and utilization of hypersaline brines


Solar energy presents a vast resource for addressing the global freshwater crisis, particularly through the desalination of hypersaline brines. This review examines the potential of solar energy technologies for both desalination and the utilization of these brines, emphasizing the transition to sustainable practices in water management and resource recovery. We first identify the main challenges associated with evaporating high-salinity water, including issues related to energy efficiency and the detrimental effects of salt scaling on system performance. We then highlight recent advancements in evaporator design aimed at mitigating scaling, thereby enhancing the feasibility of solar-driven evaporation methods. Additionally, we explore the integration of evaporation-induced hydropower generation and seawater extraction with high-salinity water evaporation processes, proposing hybrid systems that optimize saline water treatment while recovering valuable resources. Finally, we discuss the future opportunities and prospects for solar evaporation technologies in hypersaline brine treatment, aiming to foster further research and practical applications in this critical area of the water-energy nexus.

Graphical abstract: Solar energy technologies for desalination and utilization of hypersaline brines

Article information

Article type
Review Article
07 nov 2024
18 dec 2024
First published
18 dec 2024

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2025,9, 673-692

Solar energy technologies for desalination and utilization of hypersaline brines

Z. Wu and H. Yang, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2025, 9, 673 DOI: 10.1039/D4SE01552E

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