Karl Kristjan
a and
aNational Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Akadeemia tee 23, Tallinn 12618, Estonia. E-mail: indrek.reile@kbfi.ee
bInstitute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Ravila 14A, 50411 Tartu, Estonia
First published on 20th August 2021
Phosphometabolomics by 31P NMR can be challenging, since overlapping multiplets of homonuclear coupled phosphorus nuclei complicate spectral analysis. Pure shift NMR allows to simplify such spectra by collapsing multiplets into singlets, but most pure shift methods require substantially elongated measurement times or cause disturbing spectral line broadening. Herein, we combine established pure shift NMR and artefact suppression techniques to record 31P pure shift NMR spectra without penalties in measurement time or line width. Examples are demonstrated in resolution of a mixture of nucleotide triphosphates and a biological sample of 18O labelled ATP isotopomers.
31P NMR is used to detect high-energy nucleotides, i.e. ATP (adenosine triphosphate), whose concentrations help to evaluate the energetic status and health of muscle tissue.2,3 The evaluation of nucleotides is also believed to have an impact in cancer research in the near future.4 Application of NMR in phosphometabolomics is, however, often held back by the general limitations of NMR spectroscopy: its sensitivity and resolution. Although 31P is one of the more sensitive MR active nuclei, measuring of dilute metabolites is time consuming and often takes multiple hours,3 limiting throughput.
Spectral resolution is a common limitation in 1D 1H NMR, but is usually less of an issue for other nuclei, including 31P NMR, where signals are dispersed across >400 ppm chemical shift range. In phosphometabolite analysis, however, ATP 31P signals are further split into multiplets by approximately 20 Hz 2J-couplings between adjacent phosphate residues. While this is not an issue for measuring pure ATP, it becomes a challenge when different nucleotide triphosphates are involved: their 31P chemical shift differences are of similar magnitude to their mutual J-coupling, giving rise to partially overlapping multiplets (Fig. 1b & c). Consequently, mixtures of different phosphates have also been studied by MS, which resolves them somewhat more easily, but requires more elaborate sample preparation and quantification routines.2
We encountered a similar problem in mapping the concentrations and turnover rates (fluxes) of different ATP synthesis and utilization sites.1,3 These experiments rely on the small (approx. 0.025 ppm) chemical shift difference between ATP isotopomers: dynamic 18O labelling introduces isotopomer signals into the 31P spectra (Fig. 2b & c), forming a complex pattern of overlapping multiplets that can be difficult to interpret.5 The biochemical meaning of all isotopomers is known6 and the relative intensities of 16O/18O related 31P signals at any ATP phosphate (α, β, γ) can be related to activities of different ATP processing pathways.5 However, isotope shifts are of similar magnitude to J-coupling and can overlap with right-hand multiplet components, complicating analysis.6 Furthermore, signal intensity is dispersed among numerous isotopomers, increasing necessary measurement time.
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Fig. 2 31P NMR spectra of partially 18O-labelled ATP, isolated from a perfused rat heart. (a) Pure shift spectrum displays a singlet for each isotopomer: ◊ for all 16O isotopomer, ● for phosphate with one oxygen 18O-labelled, □ for two labelled oxygens and ■ for three labelled oxygens. β-Phosphate also yields a signal (○) corresponding to a 18O label in the bridging position between adjacent phosphates;6 (b) segments from regular 31P spectrum displaying overlapping multiplets; (c) regular 31P spectrum of the sample. All spectra were acquired in 2048 scans, with spectrum (a) acquired in four 512-scan experiments of different SAPPHIRE orders and the FIDs were added after LP extrapolation. |
Such spectra could be resolved by 2D 31P spectroscopy, but this experiment would also be undesirably long for dilute biological samples.5–7 Herein we demonstrate a different approach, where resolution is achieved by pure shift NMR methodology, yielding better resolved and easier to interpret spectra.
The first10 and best quality20,21 pure shift techniques rely on interferogram (or pseudo-2D)9 acquisition where the homonuclear decoupled FID is constructed from “chunks” from tens of individual 1D measurements. This generally yields good quality spectra but is not applicable to phosphometabolomics, where acquiring a single 1D spectrum takes hours and recording tens of spectra would make the experiment prohibitively long. The alternative is real-time (RT) pure shift, where a single FID is recorded,12 but acquisition is periodically interrupted to refocus the J-evolution and chemical shifts by RF pulses.22 While the measurement time penalty of interferogram pure shift is overcome, undesired spectral line broadening occurs. This is caused by relaxation between recorded “data chunks” as the time during RF pulses is omitted from the acquired signal, causing shortening of the FID.22
The best current solution is called semi-RT pure shift,23 which involves conducting two 1D measurements and combining the results into one continuous FID. Consequently, it introduces a two-fold increase in measurement time, a potential issue in dilute samples where even a single 1D measurement requires thousands of scans to be acquired. Here, we build on the principles of semi-RT, but instead of two experiments, we record only one discontinuous FID and fill in the gaps by linear prediction (LP) from adjacent data chunks to obtain a 31P pure shift spectrum with natural linewidth (Fig. 1 & 2a).
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Fig. 3 The pulse sequence is effectively a combination of SAPPHIRE20 and semi-RT23 sequences, with one additional delay τ2. Gz describes gradient pulses. Filled rectangles stand for 180° hard pulses, unfilled rectangle for 90° hard pulse. Ellipses denote 180° RSnob soft pulses for (a) active spins (that will be detected) and (p) for passive spins. Hence, prior knowledge of the spectral position of passive and active spins is required. Following the semi-RT example,23 Tycko-7/MLEV-4 supercycle is used for passive spin RSnob pulses. Explanations for delays τ1–τ5 and further details are given in ESI.† |
Gaps in the discontinuous FID are filled computationally (Fig. 4b). A similar problem has been solved previously in EXACT16,24 experiments by algorithmic reconstruction of the missing data points, requiring specialized software not always available at NMR laboratories. Instead, we extrapolate the information from within chunks into FID gaps by using standard linear prediction (LP) methodology that is commonly available in the software toolbox of modern spectrometers.
Every chunk is used to extrapolate half of the duration of the following and half of the preceding gap (with the exception of the 1st chunk that predicts only into the following gap). This way, J-coupling evolution is kept symmetrical about the centre of data chunks. It also relieves the conditions set on the relative lengths of chunks and gaps, as it allows to predict less points from the limited number of experimental points available. Repeating this procedure for all gaps produces a continuous FID that can be processed by usual means.
As is common in pure shift, the resulting FID will be periodically modulated by J-evolution that is centred around the midpoint of every data chunk (Fig. 4b).13,22 Fourier transform of such FID creates a spectrum with “chunking sideband” artefacts (Fig. 5b–e) positioned around the signals at distances inversely proportional to the sum of the data chunk and gap lengths (the periodically repeating unit in the FID). This issue is alleviated by the SAPPHIRE20 method that shifts the phase of the J-modulation across different scans (Fig. 5b–e; discussion in ESI†). Accordingly, the desired number of scans should be recorded in an even number of experiments where the artefacts are positioned in opposite phases. Adding the FIDs of such experiments will add the desired signals constructively, while “cancelling out” artefacts (Fig. 5a).
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Fig. 5 Fourier transform after LP of four SAPPHIRE experiments (b–e) on ATP β-phosphate (20 mM). Note how the artefacts are pairwise in opposite phases in traces b & d and c & e. Trace (a) displays FT of the sum of FID-s from b–e, where the chunking artefacts have been largely cancelled out,20 with the most prominent artefact (*) having <2% intensity of the main signal. |
Theoretically, it is possible to extend SAPPHIRE to an arbitrary order (measured in an infinite number of experimental pairs), cancelling out all sidebands and producing clean spectra. However, since the experiment herein requires LP from the 1st data chunk (half the duration of following chunks) into the 1st gap, it cannot be implemented beyond the second order – there would not be enough data points available for reliable LP. Even so, artefact intensity decreases rapidly and it is seldom necessary to use higher order canceling.20 In the experiment of Fig. 5a, SAPPHIRE reduces artefact intensity approx. thirtyfold, yielding a pure shift spectrum with virtually identical linewidth to the original spectra and increased sensitivity as multiplet components add constructively. The resulting experiment compares favourably to other pure shift approaches, especially when time efficiency is considered (Fig. S4 and Table S1†).
In parallel, we applied the methodology to analysis of a mixture of 16O/18O labelled ATP isotopomers that were extracted from a perfused rat heart (Fig. 2).1 Such experiments are usually sample limited and analysis has to be performed on dilute mixtures that are prepared from animal tissue and require thousands of scans to achieve sufficient SNR. Applying the method reported in this study reduces overlapping ATP isotopomer signals into singlets, making the spectra easier to interpret (Fig. 2a). One could argue that overlap is not an issue in this case and it is possible to simply count the rightmost signals of the multiplets. This might, however, cause misinterpretation, since left hand multiplet components of some isotopomers may overlap with those of the right multiplet components of other isotopomers. This issue would be corroborated if one moves to an even higher field spectrometer, where the frequency differences of isotopomers increase while coupling remains constant.
Analysing these isotopomer singlets gives a time-freeze overview of the phosphometabolomic state of the cells at the time of labelling, as has been described by Nemutlu et al.25 The slightly added sensitivity allows to spot the less abundant isotopomers that can go unnoticed in simple 1D NMR in equal number of scans (■, 18O3 in Fig. 2). In the case of β-ATP we observe very closely resonating signals from bridging and peripheral labelled isotopomers (○, 18O1 in Fig. 2), but still benefit from simplification of multiplet patterns along with an increase in sensitivity. While the sample of Fig. 2 was prepared by LC purification of a perfused rat heart extract, the method is also applicable directly to the extract, yielding simultaneous pure shift spectra of nearby ATP and ADP signals (Fig. S5†).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1an01198g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |