Dong Hyun
Min Wook
*efg and
Chang Hyuck
aDepartment of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea. E-mail: chchoi@postech.ac.kr
bGlobal Sales Department, Shinsung C&T, Suwon 16648, Republic of Korea
cHydrogen and Fuel Cell Development Center, Hyundai Motor Group, Yongin 16891, Republic of Korea. E-mail: yjpark2935@hyundai.com
dDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, 145, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
eClean Energy Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea. E-mail: ulee@kist.re.kr
fGreen School, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
gKIST Europe, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe, Campus E71, Saarbrücken 66123, Germany
hInstitute for Convergence Research and Education in Advanced Technology (I-CREATE), Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
First published on 30th July 2024
The titanium porous transport layer (PTL) is a key component in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers (PEMWEs), facilitating efficient water supply to the catalyst layer while rapidly removing oxygen bubbles. However, in the highly anodic operating environment of PEMWEs, the Ti PTL suffers from degradation, limiting the lifetime of the device. To gain deeper insights into Ti PTL degradation, here we monitor the potential/time-resolved Ti dissolution rates by coupling a PEMWE with an online inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The results show that the dissolution of the Ti PTL is a complex and dynamic (electro)chemical event. Initiated by the decreased interfacial pH (even at pH < 1) due to proton accumulation during PEMWE operation, Ti dissolution intensifies with increasing bias potential. However, the dissolved Ti ions are simultaneously hydrolyzed, forming surface Ti oxides that slow down the dissolution rate. Coating the Ti PTL surface with Pt and IrO2 effectively reduces Ti dissolution, albeit at a higher cost, but they are also susceptible to dissolution during operation. Interestingly, the dissolution profiles of Pt and IrO2 deposited on the Ti PTL differ significantly from their conventional behavior, which requires further investigation for reliable prediction and optimization of new PTL designs for practical implementation in PEMWEs.
Titanium offers relatively high corrosion resistance under such conditions, with high electrical conductivity and mechanical strength.5 Therefore, in addition to the bipolar plates, the porous transport layer (PTL), an essential component of the PEMWE for efficiently supplying the water flow to the catalyst layer while facilitating the removal of oxygen bubbles, is typically made of metallic Ti.6–10 Its remarkable corrosion resistance is due to the formation of a stable protective oxide layer (generally TiO2) on its surface when exposed to air or water. This layer is extremely adherent and has the ability to repair itself if damaged, providing robust protection against various corrosive environments. However, the poor electrical conductivity of the protective layer leads to an increase in the ohmic resistance between the PTL and other components of the PEMWE, which can significantly deteriorate the energy efficiency of the PEMWE.11,12 This drawback has prompted several strategies to ensure durable operation, including optimizing the PTL morphology and coating the metallic Ti surface with thin layers of noble metals (e.g., Pt, Ir, etc.).13
It should be noted, however, that titanium and even noble metals used to protect Ti are not completely immune to corrosion. Using a scanning flow cell (SFC) coupled to an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), several research groups have investigated the potential-resolved electrochemical stability of Ti-containing mixed oxide catalysts (e.g., Ir–TiOx,14–16 Ir/CuTiONx,17 and RuIr–TiOx18) in 0.1 M HClO4 electrolyte. While these studies focused primarily on the dissolution of noble metal catalysts and the subsequent decline in their oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activity — and thus the results may not fully represent the behavior of the Ti PTL in the PEMWE — they showed appreciable Ti dissolution, following a trend similar to that of noble metal dissolution. Meanwhile, Rakousky et al. observed the presence of Tin+ species at the cathode in an aged catalyst-coated membrane (CCM) after >1000 h of conventional PEMWE operation (2 A cm−2 and 80 °C).12 Since the cathode in a pristine CCM was free of Ti and this element was only present in the anode catalyst (a mixture of IrO2 and TiO2) and Ti PTL, Ti dissolution under PEMWE operation was clearly identified. In addition, Ti crossover from the anode PTL to cathode was also observed in the PEMWE for H2O2 synthesis, where Ti felt was used as the PTL but the anode catalyst was only IrO2.19 Thus, the previous findings highlight the need for a deeper understanding of Ti PTL dissolution under PEMWE conditions in order to develop rational PTL designs and operation strategies to meet industrial requirements.
In this study, Ti PTL dissolution in the PEMWE was studied using an online ICP-MS, which allowed potential/time-resolved and quantitative monitoring of the Ti dissolution rate during electrochemical operation. We clearly identified non-negligible Ti dissolution, the rate of which is strongly influenced by the feedstock (or interfacial) pH and applied potential. On the other hand, dissolved Ti ions undergo hydrolysis and form a Ti oxide passivation layer, which suppresses the Ti dissolution rate. We investigated this complex event, during which dissolution and redeposition processes dynamically compete, under various potential profiles on commercialized Ti PTLs with and without Pt and IrO2 coating layers. Our findings highlight the necessity of similar or further modified diagnostics for better design and evaluation of PTLs to ensure their high durability during PEMWE operation.
Ti dissolution was first investigated at 25 and 80 °C with a continuous flow of deionized (DI) water, a typical feedstock for commercialized PEMWEs, during the anode polarizations at 1 and 2 V vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE; Fig. 1b), which are in the relevant potential range for rest and OER operating potentials, respectively. However, at both temperatures, we found no discernible Ti dissolution during the operation. This result does not agree with previous findings that showed non-negligible Ti dissolution after PEMWE operation,12,21 thereby implying that our experimental conditions insufficiently reflect those in practical PEMWEs.
We envisioned that this discrepancy primarily originated from different H2O consumption and H+ production rates, leading to consequent differences in local pH at the PTL–electrolyte interface (Fig. 1c). In practical PEMWEs, ampere-order current density (j) is typically achieved for efficient evolution of O2 gas. We also confirmed that our system also reached j >2 A cm−2 when using the IrO2 catalyst layer (Fig. S2†). This leads to considerable H+ production at the anode and its possible accumulation at the interface, lowering the interfacial pH.22,23 However, in our system, the Ti PTL free from the anode catalyst resulted in a marginal j less than 1 mA cm−2 even at 2 VRHE (Fig. 1b), and therefore no considerable changes in the interfacial pH can be reasonably deduced. The importance of feedstock pH on the Ti dissolution can also be understood with the Pourbaix diagram of Ti (Fig. 1d), which shows that pH lower than approximately 2.5 is thermodynamically needed for the exergonic dissolution process of Ti to TiO2+ or TiO22+ at potential above 1 VRHE. It is of note that, at a given pH 7 of DI water, the most stabilized phase of Ti is solid TiO2·H2O or TiO3·H2O depending on the potential applied.24
To confirm this hypothesis, i.e., greater accumulation of H+ at the interface with increasing j, we estimated the current-dependent local pH changes using the method recently developed by Sauvé et al.,25 which follows a quasi-equilibrium potential between hydrogen oxidation and reduction reactions on Pt and estimates the interfacial pH (Fig. S3†). The result showed that even at zero current, the interface exhibited a slightly acidic nature (pH 3.2, Fig. 1e), due to the sulfonic acid group-terminated Nafion membrane.26,27 However, as the current increased, the pH decreased significantly, and it even reached below pH 1 when the j exceeded 1.8 A cm−2. Therefore, for subsequent online ICP-MS experiments, we opted to use a 0.1 M HClO4 solution instead of DI water as the feedstock. This choice was made to more accurately simulate the interfacial conditions of the real PEMWE without an anode catalyst and to avoid any chemical decomposition and precipitation of dissolved Ti ions into solid TiOx as they moved away from the diffusion layer before being analyzed by ICP-MS (Fig. 1c).
In this measurement, we monitored the dissolution rate of Ti in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 during four consecutive potential protocols (Fig. 2). Protocol 1 entailed the potentiostatic operation of the PEMWE, with a potential hold of the Ti PTL at 2 VRHE for 30 min. Conversely, Protocols 2 and 3 involved potentiodynamic conditions, comprising three cyclic voltammograms (CVs) at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1 and 60 cycles of potential pulses of 10 s each within a potential range of 1–2 VRHE, respectively. Typically, the measurement was performed in the order of Protocols 1 → 2 → 3 (Fig. 2a), although the reverse order, Protocols 3 → 2 → 1 (Fig. 2b), was also evaluated. Protocol 4 was then implemented, which corresponded to potential rest, i.e., open circuit potential (OCP), for 40 min. Before and after each protocol, the Ti PTL was polarized at 1 VRHE to stabilize the ICP-MS signals.
In contrast to the results observed with DI water (Fig. 1b and S4†), we observed significant Ti dissolution in the HClO4 feedstock. At 25 °C, significant Ti dissolution rate was found in Protocol 1, but it was almost negligible in the following Protocols 2–4. On the other hand, at 80 °C, a practically more relevant temperature, much greater dissolution of Ti was observed in Protocols 1–3 (Fig. 2a). In addition, it is noteworthy that the Ti dissolution signals were observed in both the anolyte and catholyte (Fig. S5†). This result indicates the crossover of Ti ions from the anode to the cathode, which is consistent with previous results measured after long-term operation of the PEMWE.12 However, the Ti signal measured in the anolyte was approximately 6 times higher than that in the catholyte, suggesting that the diffusion of dissolved Ti ions from the anode to the cathode was relatively marginal under our experimental conditions. Therefore, the following investigations focused solely on the dissolution of the Ti PTL in the anolyte at 80 °C.
In the standard protocol sequence (Fig. 2a), no perceptible Ti dissolution was detected at 1 VRHE. However, at the initial potential jump to 2 VRHE in Protocol 1, the Ti PTL exhibited substantial Ti dissolution of approximately 100 pg gTi−1 s−1. However, the intense Ti dissolution rapidly decreased within 500 seconds and stabilized at approximately 25 pg gTi−1 s−1 during the potential hold. Afterward, in Protocol 3, a consistent Ti dissolution rate was observed, quantitatively similar to the plateau observed in Protocol 1. However, the initial intense Ti dissolution, seen in Protocol 1, was not found in Protocol 3, while the Ti PTL underwent the same potential shift from 1 to 2 VRHE and experienced this drastic potential change repeatedly. On the other hand, in the reverse protocol sequence (Fig. 2b), the initially intense but subsequently attenuated Ti dissolution was also recorded in Protocol 3, when it preceded all other protocols. The same conclusion was reached when the potential excursion started with Protocol 2 (Fig. S6†). Therefore, these results implied that the most intense Ti dissolution occurs at the initial potential transition from 1 to 2 VRHE, but thereafter its dissolution rate becomes relatively mitigated regardless of either potentiostatic or pulsed operation at 2 VRHE.
It is generally accepted that the Ti surface can be protected against corrosion by forming stable passivation films, e.g., Ti oxide or hydroxide, even in acidic environments.28,29 However, the intense Ti dissolution at the first potential transition from 1 to 2 VRHE allowed us to consider either that the Ti PTL surface is not fully protected by the passivation film, but contains some pits or defective sites, or that the native passivation layer is only quasi-stable, resulting in considerable Ti dissolution from an exposed metallic Ti and/or quasi-stable Ti passivation layer under the highly anodic conditions of 2 VRHE (Fig. 3a). Nevertheless, the subsequent exponential decay of the Ti dissolution rate implies the hydrolysis of dissolved Ti ions at the interface and the formation of a relatively stable or thicker passivation layer on the Ti PTL, as also explained in the literature.28–30 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of the Ti PTL revealed the increase in oxygen content after its polarization at 2 VRHE, corroborating the formation of an additional passivation layer (Fig. 3b and S7†). However, the marginal but consistent Ti dissolution during potential hold at 2 VRHE and potential pulses between 1 and 2 VRHE suggests that even the newly formed passivation layer may not be completely immune to corrosion, possibly because the thermodynamically most stable phase under such conditions is Ti ions (TiO2+ and TiO22+) rather than solid Ti oxides. Computational modeling based upon the above simple mechanistic scenario toward Ti dissolution also successfully describes the trend of experimental results (Fig. 3c and S8†), i.e., initially intensive but subsequently marginal Ti dissolution, while more complex reactions may need to be further considered for more elaborate prediction. We note that Ti dissolution likely occurs by electrochemical reactions,31 not chemical reactions29 since (1) no significant dissolution of Ti was observed at potential hold at 1 VRHE before and after the protocols and during potential rest at OCP and (2) the Ti dissolution rate increased with increasing potential as shown in Protocol 2.
After confirmation of possible Ti dissolution from the bare Ti PTL under PEMWE-relevant operating conditions, we investigated the Ti dissolution behavior of the Ti PTL onto which thin protecting layers of Pt and IrO2 were coated. These modified Ti PTLs are commonly utilized in the PEMWE to mitigate the formation of Ti oxide layers and consequently suppress the increase in contact resistance between the catalyst layer and the PTL.12,32–35 In this study, we employed commercially available Pt- and IrO2-coated Ti PTLs, fabricated on identical Ti PTL substrates, as those investigated in Fig. 2. SEM and EDS studies confirmed the homogeneous dispersion of Pt and IrO2 over the Ti PTLs (Fig. 4a and b), thickness of which was approximately 100 and 350 nm (Fig. S9†), respectively.
Online ICP-MS results on Pt- and IrO2-coated Ti PTLs revealed a considerably reduced Ti dissolution rate compared to that of the bare Ti PTL (Fig. 4c; see S10† for the corresponding current densities). The total Ti dissolution amounts during the protocols were 125 ng gTi−1 for the bare Ti PTL, while Pt- and IrO2-coated Ti PTLs recorded only 39 and 4 ng gTi−1, respectively. Despite the effective protection provided by the IrO2 layer against Ti dissolution in our case, a direct comparison between Pt- and IrO2-coated Ti PTLs and the subsequent discussion on identifying a better protective layer may be less informative, as these modified Ti PTLs exhibit considerable differences in surface morphology (e.g., thickness of the protective layer; Fig. S9†) and noble metal content (Table S1†). More case studies with Pt/IrO2/or other protecting layer-coated Ti PTLs will be required to figure out the optimal composition and morphology of the protecting layer. However, at the very least, our results clearly demonstrate that the surface coating strategy is beneficial in mitigating undesirable Ti dissolution from Ti PTLs during PEMWE operation, in addition to the well-known electrical conductivity enhancement.
Our next question is then regarding the stability of the protecting layers during the operation, since even noble Pt and IrO2 are not immune to corrosion in such highly anodic environments.14–18,35–39
Fig. 5 displays Pt and Ir dissolution profiles measured upon the modified Ti PTLs during Protocols 1–4 (see Fig. S10† for the corresponding current densities). The results showed non-negligible dissolution of both protecting layers during the potential protocols. For the Pt-coated Ti PTL, Pt dissolution was found during potentiodynamic operation between 1 and 2 VRHE, but interestingly a significant Pt dissolution rate was also recorded during the potential hold at 1 VRHE that followed the end of each protocol. It is noteworthy that the Pt dissolution profile was different from that of conventional Pt particles deposited on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode, for which no considerable Pt dissolution was identified during the potential hold at 1 VRHE. Indeed, for the IrO2-coated Ti PTL, Ir dissolution occurred mainly during potentiodynamic operation, i.e., at the beginning and end of Protocol 1 and during Protocols 2 and 3, while conventional IrO2 showed much less Ir dissolution throughout the measurement except at the beginning of Protocol 1. Such fully different dissolution behaviors of Pt and IrO2 in Ti PTLs, compared to those of conventional Pt and IrO2, thus emphasize that the identity of the supporting electrode or substrate strongly influences the stability of Pt and IrO2, as also pointed out recently by Zlatar et al.40
Online metal dissolution was analyzed using an ICP-MS (iCAP RQ, Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to a homemade PEMWE (Fig. 1a), which verified the comparable performance to other commercial PEMWEs when using a commercial membrane electrode assembly (MEA; Boyaz energy; anode – 4 mg cm−2 IrO2 and cathode – 0.5 mgPt cm−2 Pt/C) (Fig. S2†). The anode and cathode were separated by a Nafion 115 membrane (DuPont), which was extended from the PEMWE and connected to a saturated Ag/AgCl reference electrode to control the bias potential using a potentiostat (VMP3, Bio-Logic Science Inc).20 To avoid unwanted Ti dissolution from a conventional Ti bipolar plate, feed flow channels were fabricated with polyether ether ketone (PEEK). Since the PEEK is an electrical insulator, an Au wire was connected to each electrode to provide electrical contact. All these compartments were assembled in the following order — back plate, flow channel, Au wire, Ti PTL, gasket, Nafion, gasket, Pd/C GDE, Au wire, flow channel, and back plate (Fig. 1a) — and then tightened with six bolts to a torque of 18 Nm. Heating rods were inserted into the back plates of the PEMWE to control the cell temperature, and ICP-MS studies were performed at 25 and 80 °C.
The feedstock was either O2-saturated DI water (>18.2 MΩ, Arium® Pro, Sartorius) or 0.1 M HClO4 (diluted from 70% HClO4, Sigma-Aldrich), which flowed through each PEEK flow channel at a flow rate of 5 mL min−1 using a peristaltic pump (LEPP-150L, Labscitech). Prior to introduction of the feedstock into the ICP-MS, 400 μL min−1 of the outflow was separated and mixed with 0.5 M HNO3 containing 5 ppb 187Re as an internal standard at a 1:
1 mixing ratio using a Y-connector. Online metal dissolution was estimated from the ratio of metal ions (48Ti, 193Ir, and 195Pt) to 187Re signals during electrochemical measurements.
In control experiments, the dissolution of Pt and IrO2 nanoparticles was investigated at 25 °C using a homemade electrochemical flow cell, which was used in our previous work.46 Briefly, the cell consisted of a U-shaped channel (1 mm diameter) and two openings (3 mm diameter). On one opening side, a mirror-polished 3 mm GC electrode (002012, ALS) was introduced as a working electrode, on which 50 μg cm−2 of Pt black (HiSPEC 1000, Alfa Aesar) or IrO2 powder (Alfa Aesar) was deposited by drop-casting of an ink, prepared by dispersing 10 mg of Pt black or IrO2 powder in a mixed solution of DI water (5894 μL), isopropyl alcohol (1079 μL), and 5 wt% Nafion solution (100 μL). On the other opening side, a 3 mm Teflon tube sealed at one end with a PTFE membrane (WP-020-80, Sumitomo Electric Ind., Ltd) was brought up to the working electrode surface to extract the evolved gases by vacuum. The counter electrode was a graphite rod separated from the electrolyte by a Nafion 115 membrane. The reference electrode was a saturated Ag/AgCl electrode connected directly to the electrolyte outlet.
Local pH = EOCP@20 ms (VSHE)/−0.070 (@80 °C) | (1) |
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta02755h |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |