Neha Arora*ab,
Shweta Tripathic,
George P. Philippidisbd and
Shashi Kumarc
aDepartment of Biology, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, USA. E-mail:;
bPatel College of Global Sustainability, University of South Florida, Tampa, 33620, USA
cInternational Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi, 110067, India
dDepartment of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, 33620, USA
First published on 18th February 2025
Algal biomass can play a multifaceted role in advancing the sustainable developmental goals (SDGs) as a means of carbon sequestration and waste mitigation. Outdoor algal cultivation, typically conducted in open raceway ponds, while a cost-effective approach for biofuel and bioproduct production, suffers from several challenges, including weather variability, contamination, nutrient mixing, and challenges in harvesting and dewatering. Notably, large-scale cultivation of neutrophilic algae grown at pH 7 necessitates pH stabilization measures due to fluctuations induced by CO2 uptake, nutrient concentration, photosynthesis, and competing microbial activity, resulting in significant operating costs. The exploitation of pH-resilient algae encompassing acidophilic, acid-tolerant, alkaliphilic, and alkali-tolerant strains can maximize growth and productivity across a wide range of pH from acidic to alkaline. As a result, the repertoire of water sources used for cultivation can be expanded to include wastewater treatment and industrial effluents, reducing use of scarce freshwater and dependence on costly pH regulation measures. Extremophilic strains possess the intrinsic capacity to withstand pH fluctuations that limit invaders, hence minimizing culture crashes. In the present review we highlight the unique adaptations of pH-resilient algal strains that can strengthen the resilience of large-scale algal cultivations and overcome the challenges of outdoor operations. We delve into the pH adaptation mechanism of extremophilic algae and their applicability in diverse fields of bioremediation, carbon capture, and bioproduct manufacture. Recent strides in strain improvement for enhancing the metabolic prowess of pH-resilient algae have been discussed, emphasizing their critical role towards shaping the future of a sustainable bioeconomy.
Environmental significancePhotosynthetic algae can provide sustainable solutions across various sectors, including food security, health, clean energy, water treatment, and environmental conservation. However, large scale outdoor cultivation of neutrophilic algae in open raceway ponds offen suffers from low biomass productivity due to fluctuations in temperature, light, pH, and salinity. Moreover, the outdoor cultivation systems are more prone to contamination by invaders leading to frequent culture crashes. In this regard, pH-resilient algae capable of surviving in extreme pH are often more tolerant to other abiotic and biotic stressors resulting in higher productivity. Thanks to their unique metabolism, these algae can be exploited for several applications such as wastewater remediation, CO2 sequestration, biofuels and generation of value-added compounds. The present review highlights the potential of these pH-resilient algae for driving the transition to a sustainable algae-based economy. |
Algae that can thrive in pH between 0–3, but grow poorly at neutral pH are termed acidophilic, while species able to grow at pH as low as 4, but can also grow at neutral pH are called acid-tolerant.3 Extreme acidic conditions (pH 0–3) are typical in natural volcanic waters and fumaroles, which are rich in elemental sulfur and sulfides along with high concentrations of CO2 and H2S.4 The inhabitants of such environments are very limited to a few archaebacterial, fungal, and algal species. Several mesophilic acidophilic algae, like Euglena spp., Chlorella spp., Chlamydomonas acidophila, Ulothrix zonata and Klebsormidium fluitans, have been reported in such acidic environments.4 Notably, the unicellular red alga Galdieria sulphuraria, isolated from geothermal acidic springs of the Yellowstone National Park in the USA, is reported to grow at pH 0.5–4.0 and temperature 42–45 °C.5 Due to its unique metabolic flexibility, this red alga has been extensively researched for wastewater mitigation and value-added products.6 On the other hand, anthropogenic low-pH wastewaters originating from coal and metal mines rich is sulfuric acid and ferric iron may consist of both acidophilic and acid-tolerant algae.7 Algal strains, such as Spirulina sp., Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cladophora, Oscillatoria, Anabaena, and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, have been reported to thrive in acid mine wastewaters in addition to exhibiting excellent remediation potential for these recalcitrant effluents.8
Likewise, algae that exhibit good growth at pH values between 10 and 11, but cannot grow at neutral pH, are known as alkaliphilic, while alkali-tolerant algae can grow at pH values higher than 9, but can grow equally well at neutral pH.9 Natural highly alkaline environments, such as soda lakes and alkaline springs and soils, provide unique habitats for several extremophiles. In particular, soda lakes have been reported as one of the most productive ecosystems despite their extreme alkaline pH and salinity due to the increased light penetration and high nitrogen, phosphorous, and bicarbonate content.10,11 Such an environment is perfect for harboring several alkaliphilic algal species, including Spirulina sp., Chlorella spp., Dunaliella spp. Chlamydomonas spp., and diatoms, which exhibit increased tolerance to both pH and salinity.9 Moreover, large industrial processes, including textile, paper, chemical, and agricultural run offs, have created man-made alkaline wastewaters that also harbor alkaliphilic and alkali-tolerant algae, which provide a practical means for remediating these toxic wastewaters.
The biotechnological applications of these pH-resilient algae expand across wastewater treatment, carbon sequestration, and production of a spectrum of renewable commodities. In particular, to achieve high biomass production in algal cultivation systems, pure CO2 gas is typically sparged into the cultures at an estimated cost of $1.47–$7.33 per kg in addition to infrastructure costs.12 Instead, the use of CO2 emissions in industrial flue gases for cultivating algal biomass can help reduce costs and also assist in achieving carbon neutrality. While common neutrophilic algae growing at pH 6–7 often suffer from media acidification over time and are inhibited by flue gases having >2% CO2, acidophilic/acid-tolerant algae offer the advantage of CO2 tolerance by limiting their carbon concentration mechanism (CCM), while enhancing cellular energy (ATP) production, elevating proton pumping, and remodeling the membranal fatty acid constituents to maintain neutral cytosolic pH.13 On the other hand, at alkaline pH > 10, bicarbonate is the main carbon source available for algal uptake and has been proposed as one of the best alternatives to CO2 sparging.12 Moreover, conversion of captured CO2 to bicarbonate/carbonate facilitates its transport via pipelines operating under normal pressure.14 As opposed to neutrophilic algae, alkaliphilic and alkali-tolerant algal strains are reported to tolerate high levels of bicarbonate in the media, which significantly enhances their growth. Two well-known algae, Spirulina sp., and Dunaliella sp., are already commercially exploited for high protein (as animal feed or functional food ingredient) and β-carotene content (nutraceutical), respectively, thanks to their high-pH tolerance resulting in highly productive and stable outdoor operations.12 Such CO2- and carbonate-induced metabolic remodeling and carbon rerouting in low- and high-pH resilient algae, respectively, can be leveraged towards production of commercially important renewable materials, like fatty acids for biofuels or nutraceuticals and carotenoids for nutraceuticals. Furthermore, it has been reported that 1.238 billion gallons of water and 564 million kg of nitrogen are required to produce 1 billion gallons of biodiesel from microalgal biomass.15 Thus, integrating treatment of acidic/alkaline and heavy metal containing wastewaters from a variety of industrial activities with biodiesel could turn major environmental liabilities into productive assets.
In this review, we provide a critical review of the adaptive features and evolved mechanisms of pH-resilient microalgae including cyanobacteria, highlight their metabolic flexibility, and identify putative genetic targets for pursuing higher algal productivity in the future. Based on this context, we examine promising biotechnological applications of these strains to overcome the challenges of scalability, cost effectiveness, and sustainability that are key impediments to the future of the algae industry.
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Fig. 2 Mechanisms of pH adaptation in acidophilic algae. AST: aspartate aminotransferase, GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid, GAD: glutamic acid decarboxylase, SOD: superoxide dismutase. |
Another strategy of pH tolerant algae for surviving in extreme pH is via modulation of their plasma membrane. Several acid-tolerant microalgal species have been reported to undergo significant phenotypic changes as an adaptive response in addition to prominent changes in the membranal composition. These changes generally include increase in cell size or developing an additional mucilaginous layer of extracellular polysaccharides on their surface.18,19 The acid-tolerant species Desmodesmus sp. MAS1 and Heterochlorella sp. MAS3, when cultivated in acidic mine drainage water, exhibited enlarged cell size and enhanced lipid content as adaptive response to the low pH.18 Notably, the majority of acidophilic algal strains, including C. acidophila and Dunaliella acidophila, exhibit a positive net surface charge and membrane potential, which aids in the repulsion of H+ to prevent excessive proton flux inside the cell.20 In general, the plasma membrane of the acid-tolerant/acidophilic algae is found to be rich in saturated fatty acids, bipolar tetraether lipids, and proteins, all of which aid in rigidity and reduced permeability of H+ ions, which could be true for algae as well.21 A recent study on the acid-tolerant alga Graesiella revealed a decrease in unsaturated fatty acids and increase in saturated fatty acids on long term acid exposure.22 Further, significant enrichment in lipid fractions has been also reported in acid-tolerant algae such as Graesiella sp. MA1, Heterochlorella sp. MAS3, Desmodesmus sp. MAS1, Chlamydomonas acidophila and Scenedesmus sp., isolated from acid mine drainages.19,22–25 However, detailed compositional analysis of Graesiella sp. MA1 revealed the higher content of glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and highly saturated fatty acids in the membrane to prevent influx of proton from the acidic environment.22 Detailed compositional analysis of acidophilic and acid-tolerant algal membranes is an unexplored subject that needs further attention to unravel the intrinsic differences among neutrophilic and pH-resilient strains.
In addition, synthesis of osmo-protectant and compatible solutes along with enrichment in stress-related proteins in response to extreme pH has also been reported in these algae. For instance, detailed physiological and metabolic profiling of the acid-tolerant Graesiella sp. MA1 over 81 days of cultivation highlighted the existence of an adaptation phase for 7 days before growth resumed.22 The initial slow growth rate lasted while the external pH increased from 3.5 to 5 with a gradual rise in biomass concentration to ∼3.5 g L−1. To maintain a neutral cytosolic pH, this acid-tolerant strain undergoes a significant loss in photosynthetic activity as well as total protein content, highlighting the metabolic re-routing of energy to overcome the proton gradient rather than growth. In addition, elevated levels of antioxidant components, such as ascorbate, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione, were also observed during the adaptation phase ranging from day 7–18, suggesting a metabolic adaptability under acidic stress. However, during the subsequent growth phase, more prominent and elevated concentrations of protein were recorded in comparison to carbohydrates, an unusual phenomenon, which is not reported in the cases of other abiotic stressors. Notably, metabolic profiling during day 18, day 60, and day 81 identified an enrichment in acid-responsive amino acids, such as aspartate, glutamate, lysine, arginine, histidine, and proline, along with osmotic sugars, including trehalose, cellobiose, xylobiose, and arabinose, to regulate the metabolic functions of Graesiella sp.22 In acid-tolerant strains, the amino acids play a crucial role in maintaining the neutral intracellular pH via the process of decarboxylation, energy production, and neutralization. Among the amino acids, arginine and glutamate help to neutralize the excess intracellular proton levels through production of CO2 via glutamate decarboxylation (Fig. 2).26,27 In parallel, conversion of aspartic acid to alanine utilizes intracellular H+ ions, while the combined action of histidine and lysine along with proline maintain a strong buffering action to prevent osmotic imbalance and thus proton influx under acidic conditions.28,29
A unique feature of the acidophilic alga Chlamydomonas eustigma, highlighted by a comparative genomics and transcriptomics study with its neutrophilic counterpart C. reinhardtii, showed a higher basal level of genes encoding PMA and heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp60.17 Similarly, a proteomic study of acidophilic Chlamydomonas sp. in natural acidic metal-rich water indicated significant downregulation of photosynthesis-related enzymes, including ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase, whereas upregulated expression of phytochrome B, phosphoribulokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, Hsp70, and Hsp90, as well as other stress-related enzymes.30 Expression of PMA and Hsps (Hsp70, Hsp60, and small Hsps) is considered a constitutive expression across acidophiles, including C. eustigma, C. acidophila, and Dunaliella acidophila.17,31,32 More specifically, a higher basal level of PMA genes in acidophiles is responsible for maintaining a high proton pump activity and intracellular pH of 6.5 even in external pH of 2.33 On the other hand, Hsps are known for maintaining protein structure by preventing irreversible aggregation and mediating folding, reassembly, and maintenance of denatured proteins in a transient-folding competent state under stress conditions to allow the cells to carry out essential metabolic activity in acidic conditions.34 The higher basal level of Hsps in acidophiles suggests the constant dealing of these cells with the acidic environment. Examining the expression of Hsp60, Hsp70, and small Hsps under a wide pH range of 1.5 to 7 revealed the unique expression of small Hsps to regulate the internal acidification in cells exposed to pH 4.21 On the other hand, elevated accumulation of Hsp60 and Hsp70 was found to be related to morphological and membranal changes reflecting the hyper/hypotonic conditions that C. acidophila undergoes during the exposure to low pH.30,31 Furthermore, acidophilic algae are also distinguished by a complete loss of their fermentative pathway, including key enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase, pyruvate formate lyase (PFL), acetate kinase, and phosphate acyltransferase.34 The absence of genes encoding these enzymes prevents production of organic acids and averts further acidification of the cytosol to maintain a strong buffering capacity for neutral cytosolic pH until low external pH conditions exist.17
In the case of alkaliphile microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeasts, high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and acidic phospholipids have been reported.40 Presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids ensures proper membrane fluidity and flexibility in addition to preventing H+ leakage across the plasma membrane, while an increase in acidic phospholipids may contribute to the stability of the plasma membrane in alkaline pH.40,41 Although studies of alkaline pH algae are significantly fewer than for their acidic pH counterparts, investigations of alkaliphilic and alkali-tolerant algae have shown an increase in carbonic anhydrase activity in response to alkaline pH.42,43 Intracellular carbonic anhydrase in photosynthetic microorganisms participates in the CO2-concentration mechanism by catalyzing rapid bicarbonate conversion to CO2 in the direct vicinity of Rubisco, thus increasing CO2 uptake.44 At higher pH, increased carbonic anhydrase levels have been reported in several cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae to increase the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) uptake. In the alkaliphilic alga Chlorella sp. BLD, an upregulation of Rubisco, light harvesting complex, and photosynthesis genes was reported under alkaline conditions revealing an adaptation mechanism to high pH conditions.39 Notably, an increase in organic acids and polyamines was reported verifying their role in pH stability and ion balance buffering their cytoplasm (Fig. 3). Overexpression of acyl-CoA-binding protein 1 (ACBP1) isolated from alkaliphilic Chlorella sp. JB6 in Arabidopsis resulted in increased resistance to high salinity, heavy metals (Pb and Cd), and low temperature stresses.45 The ACBP1 based on its structural similarly was hypothesized to transport multiple phosphocholine (PCs) associated with phospholipid metabolism, hence increasing the stability plasma membrane under stress. Likewise, overexpression of a novel bZIP transcription factor ChbZIP1 isolated from the alkaliphilic Chlorella sp. BLD in Arabidopsis resulted in increased alkali resistance due to an upregulation in oxygen detoxification pathway.46 Indeed, these two genes are promising targets for future genetic engineering of neutrophilic algae to improve their tolerance to high pH.
Algae | pH | pH threshold | Cultivation condition | Biomass density (g per L per day) | Bioproduct | Reference |
a — not reported; BBM, Bold's basal media; BG-11, Blue green media. | ||||||
Scenedesmus parvus | 3.00 | 3.0–9.0 | Flask culture with 15% CO2 concentration | 0.078 | Carbohydrate: 15.47 mg per L per day | 59 |
outdoor using 15L fabricated PBR | 0.1036 | Carbohydrate: 44.35 mg per L per day | ||||
Indoor using 15L fabricated PBR | 0.094 | Carbohydrate: 30.33 mg per L per day | ||||
Tetratostichococcus sp. P1 | 5 | 3.00–8.00 | Flask culture with BG 11 and 1% CO2 | — | Fatty acid: 102.88 μg mg−1 | 56 |
Coccomyxa sp. (strain onubensis) | 2.5 | — | 5L culture bottles with 5% CO2 in N-starved media | 0.28 | Lipid: 0.35 g g−1 | 60 |
Lutein: 8 mg g−1 | ||||||
β-carotene: 1.3 mg g−1 | ||||||
Coccomyxa sp. (strain onubensis) | 4 | 2.5–9.0 | Flask cultures with 5% CO2 | 0.22 | — | 112 |
Chlamydomonas acidophila LAFIC-004 | 3.6 | — | — | — | Oil: 54.63% | 113 |
Coccomyxa onubensis | 2.5 | 2.5–3.0 | Indoor plastic bag 400 L with 2.5% CO2 | 0.09 | Lutein: 9.7 mg g−1 | 64 |
Outdoor vertical tubular PBR 800 L with 2.5% CO2 | 0.14 | Lutein: 10.0 mg g−1 | ||||
C. onubensis | — | 400 L transparent plastic bags with 5% CO2 | — | Protein: 44.60% | 62 | |
Coccomyxa acidophila | — | Flask culture with urea and 5% CO2 | 0.25 | 3.55 mg g−1 | 58 | |
Galdieria phlegrea | — | Flask cultures with wastewater | 0.065 | Lipid: 20% | 54 | |
Chlamydomonas acidophila | — | 1 L batch reactor with 5% CO2 | 0.48 | Lutein: 5.18 mg g−1 | 114 | |
Chlamydomonas acidophila LAFIC-004 | 7.5 | 2.5–8.0 | Flask culture with wastewater and 1% CO2 | 0.08 | — | 115 |
Galdieria sulphuraria 074 G | 2.0 | — | Flask cultures with natural acidic water | 0.58 | Phycocyanin: 107.4 μg mg−1 | 116 |
Coccomyxa sp | 3.0 | 3.0–7.0 | Flask cultures | 0.005 | Antioxidants: 48.0 (Trolox equivalent) micromole per g biomass | 117 |
Pseudochlorella sp. YKT1 | 3.0–5.0 | 0.29 | Lipids: 30% | 118 | ||
Euglena gracilis Z | 3.0 | 3.0–8.0 | 0.023 | Paramylon: 58.3% | 119 | |
Euglena sp | 5 | 3.0–8.0 | 0.03 | Succinate 183 mg per L | 120 |
Acid-tolerant algal strains gain their unique tolerance either as a natural adaptation or via adaptive lab evolution employed to custom-tailor strains with desired phenotypic characteristics. For instance, two non-acidophilic algae, Desmodesmus sp. MAS1 and Heterochlorella sp. MAS3, gradually adapted to acidic conditions (pH 3.5) also exhibited excellent removal capacity of Cd (20 ppm) along with an increase in intracellular lipids.52,53 These two adapted acid-tolerant algae were also able to efficiently remediate alkaline winery waste water (pH > 10.50).42 Both acid-tolerant strains outperformed the wild-type (non-adapted strains) resulting in 45–52%, 54–58%, and 65–75% reduction in total organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphate, respectively. Further, several studies have highlighted the feasibility of utilizing acid-tolerant/acidophilic algae to remediate wastewater and utilize CO2 with concomitant production of valuable compounds, like fatty acids, lutein (nutraceutical), and carbohydrates (for production of bioethanol, bioplastics, or nutraceuticals) (Table 1). Another acidophilic alga, Galdieria phlegrea, showed remarkable efficacy to mitigate ∼50% of the ammonium and ∼25% of the phosphate content in raw municipal wastewater, while augmenting to ∼22% their lipid content and to 94 mg L−1 their phycocyanin content (a food additive).54 The application of this acidophile alga to effluents rich in ammoniacal content provides a significant advantage over neutrophiles and makes possible the valorization of raw effluent in a circular economy model. Furthermore, employing these acidophiles for reclamation of abandoned mining sites and acidic soil is yet another advantage. Inoculation of acid-tolerant algal strains in acidic soil for 90 days resulted in an increase in pH of the soil from 4.8 to 5.6 due to the release of exopolysaccharides by algae.55 Along with algal crust development, the soil quality and fertility were significantly improved thanks to a carbon content enhancement of 57%, higher indole acetic acid (IAA) content, and increased dehydrogenase activity in soil. The unique capacity of acid-tolerant species for passive uptake of CO2 may be a practical means of increasing soil pH, where needed, in addition to the symbiotic interaction between algae and soil microbes accelerated through heterotrophic respiration.55 Interestingly, it is believed that the increase in soil IAA content represents enhanced signaling and communication between algae and microbes in the soil microbiome. In light of the positive impact acid-tolerant algae have on soil reclamation, artificial biofilms containing acid-tolerant/acidophilic algae and non-acidophilic bacterial communities have been proposed as a feasible approach for remediation of acidic mine drainages and mining sites.53
The novel acid-tolerant alga Tetratostichococcus sp. P1, isolated from peatland, was found suitable for utilizing tropical peat wastewater (pH 4.5) to produce biomass rich in fatty acids for cost-effective production of biodiesel.56 The alga was capable of achieving a specific growth rate of 0.22 per day with a maximum proportion of C20:0 (∼24%) as a chief fatty acid in biomass under supplementation of peat wastewater with air. However, cultivation with peat wastewater on 1% CO2 significantly remodeled the fatty acid composition to ∼23% C18:0, ∼27% C18:3, and ∼34% C16:0, which is suitable for biofuel production. Similarly, a positive influence of CO2 supplementation (2.5%) on the growth rate Elliptochloris sp. was observed (∼80% higher than phototrophic growth with air only), while saturated fatty acid production increased to ∼30% of the dry cell weight under mixotrophic condition with vegetal glycerin (5 mM) as organic carbon source.57 In addition, cultivation of this acid-tolerant strain in pH 2.5 reduced the risk of contaminant microbes suggesting promising applicability of this strain to outdoor cultivation. Similarly, mixotrophic cultivation of C. acidophila in urea and 5% CO2 significantly enhanced its biomass productivity (250 mg per L per day) and lutein content (3.5 mg g−1).58 Urea, a low-cost source of carbon and nitrogen, is viewed as cost effective nutrient source for cultivation of algae. When urea use is combined with 5% CO2 supplementation, the slower growth rate of acidophilic strains is improved, while still preventing contamination of outdoor cultivation.58
A study of the acidophilic strain Scenedesmus parvus isolated from mining sites established the feasibility of outdoor cultivation with better biomass and carbohydrate productivity in comparison to indoor cultivation systems.59 Outdoor cultivation of this alga in Bolds basal media (BBM) at pH 3 and supplementation with 15% CO2 resulted in a final biomass concentration of 0.9 g L−1. Outdoor cultivation conditions at higher temperature (∼34 °C) and light intensities (∼20648 lux) significantly improved the overall carbohydrate productivity by 33% compared to indoor controlled conditions.59 On a similar note, various acidophilic algae have been explored for sustainable production of high-value products, like lutein and carotenoids, while sequestering CO2. For instance, C. onubensis, capable of surviving at pH 2.5, has been reported to synthesize high levels of lutein.60,61 Nutrient deprivation studies in this strain also revealed the presence of phosphorus and sulphur reservoirs that aided the stable survival of C. onubensis for more than 15 days at a specific growth rate of 0.14–0.16 per day, which was comparable to growth under controlled conditions (0.19 per day). Such an ability to maintain photosynthetic activity even under phosphorus and sulphur deprivation conditions probably indicates an adaptive evolution in acidophilic strains to survive high heavy metal toxicity in acidic mines. Generally, high solubility of heavy metals at low pH enhances algal uptake through membrane transporters of essential ions. However, nitrogen starvation still affected the growth of C. onubesis cells, as reflected in the increase in content of fatty acids (C18:3), lutein (∼20%), and β-carotene (∼14%) in the initial span of 2–3 days, suggesting enhanced carbon fixation in the short term.60 Furthermore, augmentation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) also makes these acidophiles a rich source of antioxidants. For instance, a study highlighted the nutritional application of acidophilic C. onubensis biomass in laboratory rats for monitoring their growth and health parameters. This biomass, consisting of protein (44%), carbohydrate (24%), fiber (16%), and lipids (5.4%) with more than 65% of them being PUFA, reduced the cholesterol and glyceride levels in rats at an inclusion rate of 6.5%.62 In addition to such antioxidant production, C. onubensis algal extract prepared in non-polar solvent (hexane/chloroform) demonstrated strong antimicrobial activity against both Gram positive/negative and pathological Candida albicans.63 Fatty acid profiling of the extract revealed the prominence of C16:0, C18:3, C18:2, and C18:1 that individually or in combination with glycerides are known to have antimicrobial properties. Indeed, the antimicrobial activity reported against the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (zone of 13.3 mm) was the highest recorded for this algal extract. Moreover, the efficacy of the crude algal extract against Gram negative Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis was found to be equivalent to the commercial antibiotic amoxycillin.63 These studies suggest the feasibility of large-scale cultivation of acidophilic strains and utilization of the generated biomass in functional foods, nutraceuticals, animal feed, and antimicrobial formulations.
In a larger scale study of 800 L, outdoor cultivation of Coccomyxa onubensis was performed in a tubular closed photobioreactor (PBR) for production of lutein.64 Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizer media at pH of 2.5–3 with 2.5% CO2 supply were used to reduce cultivation cost for the acidophilic C. onubensis, which achieved a stable biomass productivity of 140 mg per L per day and lutein content up to 10 mg g−1 of biomass over a period of 30 days. Despite the slow growth rate, C. onubensis in outdoor large scale achieved a higher biomass productivity than indoor cultivation in plastic bags (400L) due to higher light intensity and improved solubility of CO2 in form of bicarbonates at low pH 2.5.64 In general, at pH value less than 3, CO2 is predominantly present as gaseous CO2 rather than its dissolved form, bicarbonate, resulting in rapid loss of CO2 to the ambient environment. Therefore, cultivation of acidophiles for CO2 capture/sequestration in closed tubular PBR is a preferable choice over large scale open raceways. Although the capital cost for establishing PBRs is higher than for open ponds, their lower risk of contamination, higher CO2 solubility, and higher biomass, fatty acids, and carotenoid productivity offer a sustainable and economically feasible model for production of specialty biochemicals.
Although there are currently no studies assessing the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing acidophile and acid-tolerant algae for bioremediation, biofuel, and bioproduct, existing studies on neutrophilic algae could provide crucial insights into the overall economic feasibility. For instance, a recent study utilizing Scenedesmus acuminatus for copper and zinc removal from wastewater reported an economic assessment of daily 1000 tons diesel production through Na4SiO4 transesterification with the lowest biodiesel selling price of US$ 147.36 per barrel for economic viability, provided the cost of algal biomass should not exceed US$ 462 per ton.65 The authors reported the algal business was viable, with a return on high investment (16.4%) and a payback period of 5 years. Another study established treatment of dairy wastewater plant with a bioreactor unit (1.68 * 104 m3) using Scenedesmus sp. SDEC-13 to yield an annual biomass of 1.44 × 106 kg along with capture of 2.58 × 106 kg CO2 per year.66 Moreover, after considering all the operational costs, the cost of wastewater treatment was reported to reach 0.01–0.02 $ per m3. Similarly, a V-shaped pond was reported to be cost-effective for large-scale production of Ascochloris sp. biomass cultivated in dairy wastewater.67 This techno-economic study suggested that algal biomass production in a high-volume V-shaped pond (volume of 3 m3 and area of 4 m2) was feasible, provided treatment of >1 megaliters per day of dairy wastewater over 20 years. This approach showed the high commercial feasibility of an algae-based treatment plant with an annual production of ∼500 tons algal biomass at the cost of US$ 0.48 per kg and 24 × 107 liters of treated water, while having an internal rate of return of 118% and 1.9 year payback time.67 Another techno-economic study focused on integrated biorefinery showcased the comparative study of Coelastrella striolata to produce biogas, biocrude, and fertilizer, biogas and biocrude, and only biocrude, while utilizing wastewater, flue gases, and excess energy generated from palm oil mills.68 The cultivation of Coelastrella sp. in an open pond of 1.2 ha area and hydrothermal liquefaction for downstream processing showed commercial feasibility of fertilizer and biogas over a period of 20 years. Moreover, the system allows daily production of 68.43 kg of biocrude and 11470.70 kg of biogas that could be sold at US$ 2.0 per L and US$ 0.24 per kg, respectively, with an additional daily output of 261 kg of fertilizer at a price of US$ 0.05 per kg. The study revealed that both the routes showed a profitability index of 2.5%, an internal rate of return of 25%, and a payback period of 3.7 years, while producing 188 tons of annual biomass.68 On a similar note, utilization of palm oil mill wastewater was reported to reduce the overall cost of Arthrospira platensis biomass production from 87.45 € per kg to less than 50 € per kg.69 Further, technoeconomic assessment (TEA) using Nannochloropsis sp. demonstrated that utilizing fertilizer-based media for cultivation in a 10 h area installed with tubular PBR can reduce the biomass production cost to 36.21 € per kg dry weight.70 Indeed, the biomass production cost varies for different algal species and most importantly, it largely depends on the cultivation mode, type of media/wastewater utilized, electricity, location and distance of the plant, and downstream processing technologies.
However, to utilize acidophile and acid-tolerant algae for bioremediating acidic or low-pH effluents, several cultivation and techno-economic barriers need to be overcome before large-scale deployment. For instance, to cultivate acidophilic algae in acidic wastewater, specialized reactors (open or closed) and control sensors need to be built to withstand the corrosion from the acidic conditions and toxic metals and pollutants.71 Moreover, additional energy input may be required to maintain CO2 aeration and temperature control in PBRs, which could lead to increased operational costs. Additionally, depending on the wastewater composition, the efficiency of algae to remove heavy metals and degrade pollutants might vary between batches, which could involve multiple cultivation runs or additional treatment technologies to reach acceptable remediation levels, reducing the overall cost-effectiveness of the process. Another challenge is harvesting the heavy metal rich algal biomass which requires careful processing involving costly chemicals, drying, and extraction techniques to avoid secondary environmental contamination.
Algae | Optimal pH | pH threshold | Cultivation conditions | Biomass density (g per L per day) | Bioproduct | Reference |
a — not reported; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; PBR, photobioreactor. | ||||||
Chlorella sp. (ALP2) | 10 | 7–10 | Two stage cultivation with 1 L fermenter (heterotrophic) and 40 L open tank PBR | 0.02 | Lipid: 39.78% | 76 |
Chlorella sp. (JB6) | — | Flask cultures with 100 mM bicarbonate | 0.1 | — | 121 | |
Nannochloris sp. (JB 17) | — | Flask cultures with 400 mM bicarbonate | 0.12 | — | ||
Trebouxiophyte (adapted to high bicarbonate) | 9.61 | 8.5–10.0 | Floating outdoor PBR with 300 mmol L−1 bicarbonate | 0.80 | Protein: 50.80% | 81 |
Chlorella sp. AT 1 (mutant strain) | 10 | 6.0–11.0 | Semi-continuous in PBR with intermittent 10% CO2 | 0.73 | Lipid:15.9% | 72 |
Chlorella sp. BLD | 4.0–12.0 | Flask culture | 0.1 | Lipid: 31.86% | 39 | |
Micractinium sp. (MA, SG, and TM) | >10 | 8.0–12.0 | Flask cultures with biogas derived CO2 | — | Lutein: 7.3 mg per g per dry cells | 79 |
Monoraphidium dybowskii LB50 | 8.48–9.04 | — | Outdoor PBR with 20 g per L per NaCl | 0.081 | Lipid: 30.87% | 122 |
Euhalothece sp. Z-M001 | 10 | 8.5–10.5 | Flask cultures | 0.84 | — | 75 |
Chlorella sorokiniana str. SLA-04 | — | Outdoor raceway ponds | 0.05 | — | 73 | |
— | Outdoor raceway ponds under mixotrophy (4 g per L per glucose) | 0.18 | Lipid: 36.7% | |||
Chlorella vulgaris LC8 | 9.1 | — | Flask cultures | 0.02 | Lipid: 42.1 | 123 |
C. vulgaris | 9.6–9.8 | 9.0–12.0 | PBR | 0.03 | Lipid: 38% | 124 |
Nitzschia plea | 9 | 8.5–11.0 | Flask cultures | 0.30 | EPA: 15% | 78 |
As noted above, pH plays a vital role in determining the solubility of CO2 in the culture media. At higher pH >8.3, dissolved CO2 rapidly changes to HCO3− or CO3−, eventually reaching stable equilibrium that results in higher CO2 sequestration.79 Moreover, when sufficient buffering capacity is maintained, CO2 absorption increases.80 Thus, alkaline conditions allow for a higher absorption of CO2 and pH stability resulting in a higher carbon efficiency uptake (CEU) and biomass production. Not surprisingly, aquatic photosynthesis rates are higher in alkaline waters.73 Moreover, at higher pH more CO2 can be captured from emission sources into algal culture media, enhancing carbon sequestration as a means of combating climate change. For instance, the alkalihalophilic alga Trebouxiophyte sp. that was adapted to high bicarbonate tolerance, when cultivated in an outdoor pilot PBR, attained maximum areal productivity of 10.1 g per m2 per day in media supplemented with 300 mmol L−1 bicarbonate.81 The alga showed a higher CEU of 46.01%, when the media was supplemented with bicarbonate as compared to the usual 2% CO2 (10.28% CEU) indicating bicarbonate was a better source of carbon than CO2 or air, while also maintaining the high pH levels via bicarbonate buffering. Likewise, an alkali-tolerant mutant of Chlorella sp. AT1 capable of tolerating pH 11 showed a 5-fold higher CEU, when the culture was supplemented with intermittent 10% CO2 (30 min at 3 h intervals) compared to continuous 10% CO2 supply.72
Another potential use of high pH-tolerant algae is for biogas upgrading, which can easily grow in biogas plants operated at alkaline conditions in addition to minimizing biological contamination by other undesirable microorganisms. Biogas typically consists of methane (40–60%) and CO2 (30–40%), and traces of other compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide.82 However, to use biogas as a fuel, CO2 must be removed to increase its specific heat by upgrading the methane content to >90%. Algae, as a photosynthetic microorganism, can sequester CO2 from biogas providing a sustainable alternative as compared to use of costly chemical catalysts or membranes. For instance, alkaliphilic algae belonging to the genus Micractinium isolated from an alkaline river (pH 7.6–9.7) in Japan exhibited pH tolerance (pH 8–12) in 10% CO2.79 In addition, the strain grew well in biogas-derived CO2 reducing CO2 in the biogas to an undetectable level, thereby accomplishing successful upgrading. Notably, the strains showed high yields of antioxidant carotenoids, such as lutein, making them viable sources of nutraceuticals (Table 2). Another study reported an algal community isolated from Texcoco Soda Lake in Mexico capable of growing in alkaline conditions and adapted to high CO2 in the presence of H2S utilized 550–1000 mg CO2 per day from synthetic biogas.83 The authors identified Picochlorum sp. and Scenedesmus sp. as the prominent genera in the consortia.
Although to date limited studies are available on the application of alkaliphiles and alkali-tolerant algae, the published data clearly suggest that outdoor cultivation of these algae under high pH significantly improves CO2 absorption rates, resulting in high biomass productivity, minimizing culture crashes, and reducing the need for sparging additional CO2 into the media. In fact, CO2 has been estimated to account for over 50% of the raw material cost in algal cultivation.84 Typically, CO2 is compressed to 150 atm pressure for transport through the pipeline to an algal cultivation plant.14 However, sparging air or CO2 enriched gas directly into the media is considered impractical due to the high cost associated with the gas compression, which can vary depending on the size of the reactor, along with significant rates of evaporation in large-scale open raceway ponds.85 In this regard, flue gas sparging could potentially reduce the cost of CO2 delivery, provided the flue gas plant is located near the algae cultivation site, as increasing the distance would significantly increase the cost of transportation.84 Comparing the supply of costs of CO2 from raw flue gas and purified CO2 extracted from flue gas (14%) with a 100 km distance between the gas source and cultivation site resulted in US$ 57.20 per ton for compression, drying, and transportation for the raw flue gas while US$ 40.50 per ton for extracted CO2 due to reduced volume.86 Moreover, a recent study reported that the cost of carbon capture and utilization could be considerably reduced by 52% by utilizing algal strains such as acidophiles that show more tolerance and high carbon efficiency to CO2 compared to strains with low CO2 tolerance.87 In addition, to avoid compression and pumping of gas, particularly for alkaliphile and alkali-tolerant algae, the addition of sodium bicarbonate to the medium is also an alternative that significantly reduces the cost of transport for 100 km to US$ 0.05–0.06 per m by canal and US$ 0.0104–0.125 per m3 by water tunnel.88 However, this option may not be economically viable since the cost of sodium bicarbonate (US$ 380 per ton) is higher than purified CO2 (US$ 3–55 per ton).84 Another emerging alternative is CO2-loaded solvents, such as carbonates (a cheaper option than sodium carbonate) or amine-based solutions (methylethanolamine or triethanolamine), aimed at improving the efficiency of CO2 capture and avoiding energy and losses associated with pumping the gas.89 Indeed, further research is necessary to investigate the potential applications of these algae in biofuel production, bioremediation, carbon sequestration, and the synthesis of animal feed (protein) and nutraceuticals.
Algae | Nature | pH | Input CO2 mode and quantity | CO2 fixation rate | Biomass productivity | Reference |
a — not reported; PBR, photobioreactor. | ||||||
Chlorella sp. AT1 | Alkali-tolerant | 11 | 10% CO2 intermittent feeding 30 min at 3 h intervals for 21 days | 1.329 g per L per day | 0.726 g per L per day | 72 |
Cyanobacterium sp. PNNL-SSL1 | Alkaliphile | Simulated raceway pond atmospheric CO2 (direct air capture) | 21.6 g CO2 per m2 per day | 15.2 g per m2 per day | 96 | |
Thalassiosira pseudonana | 9 | 2.5 L glass vessel bioreactors | 0.6 g CO2 per g biomass | — | 10 | |
Phaeodactylum tricornutum | 0.8 g CO2 per g biomass | — | 10 | |||
Chlamydomonas acidophila LAFIC-004 | Acidophile | 7.5 | Flask culture with wastewater and 5 and 10% CO2 | 0.092–0.094 g per L per day | 0.06 g per L per day | 93 |
Coccomyxa sp.CPCC508 | 3 | 2.5 L glass vessel bioreactors purged with 2.3% CO2 | 4.3 g per CO2 per g biomass | — | 10 | |
Euglena mutabilis | 1.2 g per CO2 per g biomass | — | ||||
E. gracilis | Acid-tolerant | 2.4 g per CO2 per g biomass | — | |||
C. reinhardtii | 5.5 | 10 L (working volume) bubble column PBR purged with coal combustion flue gas having ∼13% CO2, 20 ppm NOX, and 32 ppm SOX | 162.2 mg per CO2 per L per day | 0.09 g per L per day | 92 | |
Desmodesmus sp. SZ-1 | 3.5 | PBR with 10% CO2 | 497.6 mg per CO2 per L day | 0.3 g per L per day | 94 |
In contrast, in high pH environments, an increase in the bicarbonate availability enhances the CO2 solubility in the growth media, resulting in the accumulation of lipids and proteins in the algae. Recent studies with alkali-resistant algae have reported the addition of both bicarbonate and CO2 to boost the carbon capture and biomass production cultivated in PBRs and open cultivation systems (Table 3). For instance, a cyanobacterial consortium was used for CO2 capture and its conversion to biomass in tubular PBR with media pH 11.2.95 In media with pH 11.2, the cyanobacterial consortium attained a total biomass productivity of 15 g per m2 per day during the fourth cycle of cultivation with a CO2 fixation rate of 4.6 g carbon per m2 per day.95 Similarly, a novel alkaliphilic cyanobacteria, Cyanobacterium sp. PNNL-SSL1 was reported to achieve an average productivity of 15.2 g per m2 per day by capturing CO2 at the rate of 21.6 g CO2 per m2 per day.96 Further, comparing the CO2 capture efficiency of six different acidophiles and alkaliphiles reported that under similar operational conditions, alkaliphiles (Thalassiosira pseudonana, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and Chlamydomonas sp.) captured 50 to 65% of CO2 from air compared to only 38% removed by acidophiles (Coccomyxa sp., E. mutabilis, and E. gracilis).10 Indeed, both categories have their own limitations and merits and therefore can be implemented as per requirement. Especially for capturing concentrated flue gases containing SOx, NOx, and heavy metals, algal species tolerant to both high CO2 concentration and low pH are imperative.
Indeed, several parameters, such as cultivation, harvesting, drying, and metabolite extraction, determine the cost of algal biomass.104 Other parameters that influence overall production costs include operational and maintenance expenditures such as nutrients, CO2 sparging, energy, and water.104 However, one of the major barriers to scaling up the production of pH-resilient algae from lab to industrial level is the construction and installation of growth reactors (open raceway or PBR) as well as system modifications to avoid corrosion from low/high pH media, increasing the capital cost. Moreover, cultivating pH-resilient algae in open raceway ponds (ORPs) would be a more economical option due to the significant reduction in contamination by other invading organisms. A TEA conducted on Nannochloropsis sp. reported an overall biomass production cost of US$ 500 per ton in ORPs while US$ 9560 per ton in PBRs.105 Likewise, TEA of G. sulphuraria (acidophilic algae) cultivated in corn-stover-derived anaerobic digestate, and CO2-fed showed that the minimum biomass selling price was US $921 per dry metric ton in covered ponds (assuming productivity of 0.8 kg per m3 per day) compared to US$ 2869 per dry metric ton in PBRs (assuming productivity of 1.57 kg per m3 per day).106 The high cost of biomass production in PBRs was attributed to the cost of hydrolysate sugars and power required to operate the PBRs, accounting for 85% of the total cost. The authors reported a minimum renewable diesel selling price (MDSP) of US$ 8.24 and US$ 3.32 per dm per GE (gasoline equivalent) for the PBR and covered pond, respectively. To attain economic parity with conventional fuels (US$ 0.79 per dm per GE), using covered ponds, the authors proposed diverting 30% of algal biomass towards high value products such as phycocyanin, which sells for US 500–$100000 per kg, depending on its purity. Furthermore, the life cycle assessment revealed a global warming potential of 39 and 9.1 gCO2-eq. per MJ on a well-to-wheels basis and a net energy ratio of 2.21 and 0.25 MJ/MJ for the PBRs and covered pond systems, respectively.106 Nonetheless, ORP cultivation systems require large tracts of land closer in specific locations/regions to maximize biomass productivity, which may not be feasible, particularly in densely populated areas posing an economic and logistic challenge. A recent economic feasibility analysis of microalgae-based biodiesel production using two marine algae species, Nannochloropsis oceanica and Dunaliella tertiolecta evaluated 12 international locations, including North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia, and Oceania, to identify important conditions for scaling up using 500 ha ORPs.107 The authors identified growth, conversion through hydrothermal liquefaction, and harvesting/centrifugation as the largest cost components, ranging between US$ 128–245 million. Importantly, 10 out of these 12 locations, except for Turkey and the Netherlands, achieved an MSDP under US$ 6.99 per gal and nine under US$ 6.04 per gal bringing them closer to the non-renewable diesel benchmark of 3.02 per gal. Notably, adopting pH-resilient algae that could grow over the full 12 month period has the potential to boost productivity reducing the harvesting costs.107 Indeed, a trade-off between pH-resilience and desirable traits (growth rate, metabolic efficiency, and bioproduct yield) needs to be carefully balanced to attain the targeted productivity. For example, cultivating extremophile algae such as Arthrospira or Dunaliella resulted in a reduction in biomass production costs from € 14.5 per kg to € 9.46 per kg when biomass productivity improved to 26 g per m2 per day for high value bioproducts such as food additives and PUFAs.108 It is also important to restrict the pH-resilient algae from escaping the ORPs and invading local ecosystems to avoid loss of genetic diversity and alter or disrupt local biodiversity.109
Another challenge is the high cost associated with the downstream processing, which must be reduced to make microalgae biomass a preferred feedstock for biofuels and bioproducts. Typically, for large-scale algal cultivation systems, flocculation or filtration are the preferred choices owing to low energy requirements compared to centrifugation.110 However, due to the extreme pH conditions, it might be challenging to aggregate cells using typical flocculants, or pH-adjustment would be needed before harvesting. Moreover, the cell walls of some of the pH-resilient algae might contain complex polysaccharides, resulting in thicker and more robust cell walls, resisting lysis, thereby making the extraction of metabolites difficult with standardized cell breakage techniques such as mechanical disruption, or enzymatic or chemical lysis developed for neutrophilic algae. Thus, future efforts are needed to develop flocculants, such as electrocoagulants that work across a range of pH conditions, along with optimization of cell disruption technologies, such as high-pressure homogenization, that could disrupt the cell wall, increasing the metabolite yields without significantly increasing the cost. Notably, using artificial intelligence (AI) to digitize and automate microalgae culture and downstream processing has the potential to boost the efficiency and feasibility of microalgal biotechnology.109 For example, AI has been used to describe and predict the quantity and quality of high value bioproducts, as well as to monitor algal development in real time to enhance productivity (a thorough review is published elsewhere).109
Another potential application that could be explored is using pH-resilient algae for microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Algae-assisted cathodes offer several advantages compared to bacterial species, including high power generation, reducing aeration requirements, and biomass production, which could be utilized towards biofuel production.15 Compared to neutrophilic algae, utilization of pH-resilient algae in MFCs can allow the generation of electricity under fluctuating pH conditions, offering greater stability. The use of agricultural run-offs, industrial effluents, or mining wastewater for an integrated MFC systems using pH-resilient algae offers more flexibility, reducing the operational complexities such as maintaining external pH, enabling constant performance over longer periods. Finally, to make the large-scale cultivation of pH-resilient algae environmentally sustainable and economically feasible, a biorefinery approach is needed.111 A well-integrated algae biorefinery could be a cost-effective model for manufacturing biofuels and bioproducts such as carbohydrates, proteins, pigments, lipids, vitamins, and omega-fatty acids.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |