Issue 34, 2010

Structural insights into substrate specificity and solvent tolerance in alcohol dehydrogenaseADH-‘A’ from Rhodococcus ruberDSM 44541


The structure of the alcohol dehydrogenase ADH-‘A’ from Rhodococcus ruber reveals possible reasons for its remarkable tolerance to organic co-solvents and suggests new directions for structure-informed mutagenesis to produce enzymes of altered substrate specificity or improved selectivity.

Graphical abstract: Structural insights into substrate specificity and solvent tolerance in alcohol dehydrogenase ADH-‘A’ from Rhodococcus ruber DSM 44541

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Article information

Article type
14 Кві 2010
09 Лип 2010
First published
02 Сер 2010

Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 6314-6316

Structural insights into substrate specificity and solvent tolerance in alcohol dehydrogenase ADH-‘A’ from Rhodococcus ruber DSM 44541

M. Karabec, A. Łyskowski, K. C. Tauber, G. Steinkellner, W. Kroutil, G. Grogan and K. Gruber, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 6314 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC00929F

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