Issue 3, 2011

Screening of a minimal enriched P450 BM3 mutant library for hydroxylation of cyclic and acyclic alkanes


A minimal enriched P450 BM3 library was screened for the ability to oxidize inert cyclic and acyclic alkanes. The F87A/A328V mutant was found to effectively hydroxylate cyclooctane, cyclodecane and cyclododecane. F87V/A328F with high activity towards cyclooctane hydroxylated acyclic n-octane to 2-(R)-octanol (46% ee) with high regioselectivity (92%).

Graphical abstract: Screening of a minimal enriched P450 BM3 mutant library for hydroxylation of cyclic and acyclic alkanes

Article information

Article type
30 Лип 2010
27 Жов 2010
First published
15 Лис 2010

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 944-946

Screening of a minimal enriched P450 BM3 mutant library for hydroxylation of cyclic and acyclic alkanes

E. Weber, A. Seifert, M. Antonovici, C. Geinitz, J. Pleiss and V. B. Urlacher, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 944 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC02924F

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