Issue 30, 2016

The interaction of protein-coated bionanoparticles and surface receptors reevaluated: how important is the number of bonds?


Specifically designed bionanoparticles with a function-oriented protein-coating layer interact with self-prepared receptor surfaces as the counterpart. Based on surface plasmon resonance biosensing experiments, a model framework is validated to estimate the number of bonds formed between these bionanoparticles and the receptor surface based on multivalent interactions. Our multi-site kinetic model is able to analyze the adsorption rate constants and the number of bonds from experimental data of natural and synthetic bionanoparticles. The influence of the mass transport on the adsorption kinetics is modeled including a diffusional boundary layer where a helpful analytical solution has been derived. Our model framework extends previous studies to include a higher number of bonds, ranging from 1 up to 1000. An almost linear relationship between the number of bonds and the adsorption amount of bionanoparticles makes the model framework suitable to predict, for example, ligand density and to further assess coating performance. The proposed model framework can serve as a design tool for multivalent interaction experiments under variable process conditions.

Graphical abstract: The interaction of protein-coated bionanoparticles and surface receptors reevaluated: how important is the number of bonds?

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Article information

Article type
28 Кві 2016
06 Лип 2016
First published
06 Лип 2016
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 6451-6462

The interaction of protein-coated bionanoparticles and surface receptors reevaluated: how important is the number of bonds?

W. Wang, A. Voigt and K. Sundmacher, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 6451 DOI: 10.1039/C6SM00995F

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