Issue 12, 2020

Gold nanobipyramid-embedded ultrathin metal nanoframes for in situ monitoring catalytic reactions


Metal nanoframes, especially ultrathin ones, with excellent plasmonic properties are synthetically interesting and highly attractive. Herein we report on the synthesis of Au nanobipyramid-embedded ultrathin metal nanoframes with one of the plasmon modes very similar to that of the Au nanobipyramids. The synthesis is mediated by silver coating on Au nanobipyramids. The excellent plasmonic properties of the Au nanobipyramid-embedded ultrathin metal nanoframes are ascribed to the little influence of the ultrathin metal nanoframes on the Au nanobipyramids, as verified by electrodynamic simulations. The increase in the amount of the added metal atoms changes the nanostructure from the nanoframe to a nanocage shape. The method has also been successfully applied to (Au nanobipyramid)@Ag nanorods with different lengths and Au nanobipyramids with different longitudinal dipolar plasmon wavelengths, suggesting the generality of our approach. We have further shown that the Au nanobipyramid-embedded ultrathin metal nanoframes possess an excellent surface-enhanced Raman scattering and outstanding in situ reaction probing performance. Our study opens up a route for the construction of plasmonic ultrathin metal nanoframes based on Au nanobipyramids for plasmon-enabled applications.

Graphical abstract: Gold nanobipyramid-embedded ultrathin metal nanoframes for in situ monitoring catalytic reactions

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Article type
Edge Article
23 Гру 2019
25 Лют 2020
First published
26 Лют 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 3198-3207

Gold nanobipyramid-embedded ultrathin metal nanoframes for in situ monitoring catalytic reactions

X. Zhu, J. Xu, H. Zhang, X. Cui, Y. Guo, S. Cheng, C. Kan and J. Wang, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 3198 DOI: 10.1039/C9SC06475C

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