Issue 18, 2021

A line-broadening free real-time 31P pure shift NMR method for phosphometabolomic analysis


Phosphometabolomics by 31P NMR can be challenging, since overlapping multiplets of homonuclear coupled phosphorus nuclei complicate spectral analysis. Pure shift NMR allows to simplify such spectra by collapsing multiplets into singlets, but most pure shift methods require substantially elongated measurement times or cause disturbing spectral line broadening. Herein, we combine established pure shift NMR and artefact suppression techniques to record 31P pure shift NMR spectra without penalties in measurement time or line width. Examples are demonstrated in resolution of a mixture of nucleotide triphosphates and a biological sample of 18O labelled ATP isotopomers.

Graphical abstract: A line-broadening free real-time 31P pure shift NMR method for phosphometabolomic analysis

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Article type
05 Лип 2021
20 Сер 2021
First published
20 Сер 2021

Analyst, 2021,146, 5502-5507

A line-broadening free real-time 31P pure shift NMR method for phosphometabolomic analysis

K. K. Kaup, L. Toom, L. Truu, S. Miller, M. Puurand, K. Tepp, T. Käämbre and I. Reile, Analyst, 2021, 146, 5502 DOI: 10.1039/D1AN01198G

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