Issue 49, 2022

Construction of multifunctional carboxymethyl cellulose nanohydrogel carriers based on near-infrared DNA-templated quantum dots for tumor theranostics


Multifunctional therapeutic platforms with targeted delivery, fast diagnosis, and efficient therapy could effectively reduce side effects and improve treatment in the clinical therapy of tumors. Near-infrared DNA-templated CdTeSe quantum dots (DNA-CdTeSe QDs) were developed as building blocks to construct a multifunctional carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-based nanohydrogel as a nanocarrier to address the challenges of serious side effects and precise treatment in cancer theranostics, including active tumor targeting, fluorescence tracking, controlled drug release, chemotherapy and gene regulation. Single-stranded DNA containing the complementarity sequence of miRNA and cystine, as co-crosslinkers, initiated hybridization between the DNA-CdTeSe QD-modified CMC chain with the anti-nucleolin aptamer DNA (AS1411)-modified CMC chain to form the hydrogels. DOX, as a model drug, was successfully incorporated into the hydrogels. The synthesized multifunctional hydrogel nanocarriers with an average diameter of 150 nm could be taken up through targeting and achieved the controlled release of DOX by triggering both glutathione (GSH) and miRNA in the tumor microenvironment. The CdTeSe QDs trapped in nanohydrogels acted as fluorophores for bioimaging in the diagnosis and treatment process. The proposed multifunctional delivery system provided a potential platform for tumor imaging and precise therapy.

Graphical abstract: Construction of multifunctional carboxymethyl cellulose nanohydrogel carriers based on near-infrared DNA-templated quantum dots for tumor theranostics

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Article type
30 Сер 2022
24 Жов 2022
First published
07 Лис 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 31869-31877

Construction of multifunctional carboxymethyl cellulose nanohydrogel carriers based on near-infrared DNA-templated quantum dots for tumor theranostics

Y. Zheng, S. He, P. Jin, Y. Gao, Y. Di, L. Gao and J. Wang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 31869 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA05424H

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