Issue 14, 2023

MobCal-MPI 2.0: an accurate and parallelized package for calculating field-dependent collision cross sections and ion mobilities


Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), which can be employed as either a stand-alone instrument or coupled to mass spectrometry, has become an important tool for analytical chemistry. Because of the direct relation between an ion's mobility and its structure, which is intrinsically related to its collision cross section (CCS), IMS techniques can be used in tandem with computational tools to elucidate ion geometric structure. Here, we present MobCal-MPI 2.0, a software package that demonstrates excellent accuracy (RMSE 2.16%) and efficiency in calculating low-field CCSs via the trajectory method (≤30 minutes on 8 cores for ions with ≤70 atoms). MobCal-MPI 2.0 expands on its predecessor by enabling the calculation of high-field mobilities through the implementation of the 2nd order approximation to two-temperature theory (2TT). By further introducing an empirical correction to account for deviations between 2TT and experiment, MobCal-MPI 2.0 can compute accurate high-field mobilities that exhibit a mean deviation of <4% from experimentally measured values. Moreover, the velocities used to sample ion-neutral collisions were updated from a weighted to a linear grid, enabling the near-instantaneous evaluation of mobility/CCS at any effective temperature from a single set of N2 scattering trajectories. Several enhancements made to the code are also discussed, including updates to the statistical analysis of collision event sampling and benchmarking of overall performance.

Graphical abstract: MobCal-MPI 2.0: an accurate and parallelized package for calculating field-dependent collision cross sections and ion mobilities

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
06 Кві 2023
16 Чер 2023
First published
21 Чер 2023

Analyst, 2023,148, 3257-3273

MobCal-MPI 2.0: an accurate and parallelized package for calculating field-dependent collision cross sections and ion mobilities

A. Haack, C. Ieritano and W. S. Hopkins, Analyst, 2023, 148, 3257 DOI: 10.1039/D3AN00545C

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