Issue 2, 2023

Finding a vocation for validation: taking proteomics beyond association and location


First established in the seventies, proteomics, chemoproteomics, and most recently, spatial/proximity-proteomics technologies have empowered researchers with new capabilities to illuminate cellular communication networks that govern sophisticated decision-making processes. With an ever-growing inventory of these advanced proteomics tools, the onus is upon the researchers to understand their individual advantages and limitations, such that we can ensure rigorous implementation and conclusions derived from critical data interpretations backed up by orthogonal series of functional validations. This perspective—based on the authors’ experience in applying varied proteomics workflows in complex living models—underlines key book-keeping considerations, comparing and contrasting most-commonly-deployed modern proteomics profiling technologies. We hope this article stimulates thoughts among expert users and equips new-comers with practical knowhow of what has become an indispensable tool in chemical biology, drug discovery, and broader life-science investigations.

Graphical abstract: Finding a vocation for validation: taking proteomics beyond association and location

Article information

Article type
06 Жов 2022
01 Гру 2022
First published
02 Гру 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Chem. Biol., 2023,4, 110-120

Finding a vocation for validation: taking proteomics beyond association and location

M. J. C. Long, J. Liu and Y. Aye, RSC Chem. Biol., 2023, 4, 110 DOI: 10.1039/D2CB00214K

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