Issue 2, 2024

Retention time prediction and MRM validation reinforce the biomarker identification of LC-MS based phospholipidomics


Dysfunctional lipid metabolism plays a crucial role in the development and progression of various diseases. Accurate measurement of lipidomes can help uncover the complex interactions between genes, proteins, and lipids in health and diseases. The prediction of retention time (RT) has become increasingly important in both targeted and untargeted metabolomics. However, the potential impact of RT prediction on targeted LC-MS based lipidomics is still not fully understood. Herein, we propose a simplified workflow for predicting RT in phospholipidomics. Our approach involves utilizing the fatty acyl chain length or carbon–carbon double bond (DB) number in combination with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) validation. We found that our model's predictive capacity for RT was comparable to that of a publicly accessible program (QSRR Automator). Additionally, MRM validation helped in further mitigating the interference in signal recognition. Using this developed workflow, we conducted phospholipidomics of sorafenib resistant hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines, namely MHCC97H and Hep3B. Our findings revealed an abundance of monounsaturated fatty acyl (MUFA) or polyunsaturated fatty acyl (PUFA) phospholipids in these cell lines after developing drug resistance. In both cell lines, a total of 29 lipids were found to be co-upregulated and 5 lipids were co-downregulated. Further validation was conducted on seven of the upregulated lipids using an independent dataset, which demonstrates the potential for translation of the established workflow or the lipid biomarkers.

Graphical abstract: Retention time prediction and MRM validation reinforce the biomarker identification of LC-MS based phospholipidomics

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Жов 2023
20 Лис 2023
First published
30 Лис 2023

Analyst, 2024,149, 515-527

Retention time prediction and MRM validation reinforce the biomarker identification of LC-MS based phospholipidomics

J. Zhang, Y. Zhou, J. Lei, X. Liu, N. Zhang, L. Wu and Y. Li, Analyst, 2024, 149, 515 DOI: 10.1039/D3AN01735D

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