Issue 10, 2024

Ion parking in native mass spectrometry


A forced, damped harmonic oscillator model for gas-phase ion parking using single-frequency resonance excitation is described and applied to high-mass ions of relevance to native mass spectrometry. Experimental data are provided to illustrate key findings revealed by the modelling. These include: (i) ion secular frequency spacings between adjacent charge states of a given protein are essentially constant and decrease with the mass of the protein (ii) the mechanism for ion parking of high mass ions is the separation of the ion clouds of the oppositely-charged ions with much less influence from an increase in the relative ion velocity due to resonance excitation, (iii) the size of the parked ion cloud ultimately limits ion parking at high m/z ratio, and (iv) the extent of ion parking of off-target ions is highly sensitive to the bath gas pressure in the ion trap. The model is applied to ions of 17 kDa, 467 kDa, and 2 MDa while experimental data are also provided for ions of horse skeletal muscle myoglobin (≈17 kDa) and β-galactosidase (≈467 kDa). The model predicts and data show that it is possible to effect ion parking on a 17 kDa protein to the 1+ charge state under trapping conditions that are readily accessible with commercially available ion traps. It is also possible to park β-galactosidase efficiently to a roughly equivalent m/z ratio (i.e., the 26+ charge state) under the same trapping conditions. However, as charge states decrease, analyte ion cloud sizes become too large to allow for efficient ion trapping. The model allows for a semi-quantitative prediction of ion trapping performance as a function of ion trapping, resonance excitation, and pressure conditions.

Graphical abstract: Ion parking in native mass spectrometry

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Article information

Article type
13 Лют 2024
05 Кві 2024
First published
11 Кві 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Analyst, 2024,149, 2966-2977

Ion parking in native mass spectrometry

N. J. Pizzala, J. S. Bhanot, I. J. Carrick, E. T. Dziekonski and S. A. McLuckey, Analyst, 2024, 149, 2966 DOI: 10.1039/D4AN00242C

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