Issue 24, 2024

Three-dimensional structured PLCL/ADM bioactive aerogel for rapid repair of full-thickness skin defects


The failure to treat deep skin wounds can result in significant complications, and the limitations of current clinical treatments highlight the pressing need for the development of new deep wound healing materials. In this study, a series of three-dimensional structured PLCL/ADM composite aerogels were fabricated by electrospinning and subsequently characterized for their microstructure, compression mechanics, exudate absorption, and hemostatic properties. Additionally, the growth of HSFs and HUVECs, which are involved in wound repair, was observed in the aerogels. The composite aerogel was subsequently employed in wound repair experiments on rat full-thickness skin with the objective of observing the wound healing rate and examining histological utilizing H&E, Masson, CD31, and COL-I staining. The findings indicated that the PLCL/ADM composite aerogel with a 10% concentration exhibited uniform pore size distribution, a good three-dimensional structure, and compression properties comparable to those of human skin, which could effectively absorb exudate and exert hemostatic effect. In vivo experiment results demonstrated that the aerogel exhibited superior efficacy to conventional oil-gauze overlay therapy and ADM aerogel in promoting wound healing and could facilitate rapid, high-quality in situ repair of deep wounds, thereby offering a novel approach for skin tissue engineering and clinical wound treatment.

Graphical abstract: Three-dimensional structured PLCL/ADM bioactive aerogel for rapid repair of full-thickness skin defects

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Article information

Article type
15 Вер 2024
29 Жов 2024
First published
11 Лис 2024

Biomater. Sci., 2024,12, 6325-6337

Three-dimensional structured PLCL/ADM bioactive aerogel for rapid repair of full-thickness skin defects

X. Ning, R. Wang, N. Liu, Y. You, Y. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, H. Zhao and T. Wu, Biomater. Sci., 2024, 12, 6325 DOI: 10.1039/D4BM01214C

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