Issue 47, 2024

Stability of metal–metal interactions in transmetallation intermediates based on electronics of bridging arene ligands determined through pyridine titrations


In this contribution, we prepare the dinuclear complex [(CNCF)(PPh3)Pt–Au(PPh3)]+ (2-F) supported by an electron deficient derivative of 2,6-diphenylpyridine (CNC), 2,6-di(4-fluorophenyl)pyridine (CNCF). Solution state spectroscopic data and solid-state structural data reveals formation of the desired dinuclear complex occurs and that it remains intact in solution. The solid state structure of 2-F, compared to [(CNC)(PPh3)Pt–Au(PPh3)]+ (2), reveals a substantial change in the C–Au–P bond angle. We postulated that this change in bond angle arises due to a weaker interaction between [(PPh3)Au]+ and (CNCF)Pt(PPh3) (1-F) vs. (CNC)Pt(PPh3) (1). Through pyridine titration experiments, we demonstrate that the interaction is indeed weaker between [(PPh3)Au]+ and 1-Fvs. 1. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments confirm that 1-F is less electron rich than 1. DFT calculations demonstrate that the HOMO of 1 and 1-F is not dz2, helping explain the differences in electrochemical behavior of 1 and 1-F and bonding between 1 and 1-F with [(PPh3)Au]+.

Graphical abstract: Stability of metal–metal interactions in transmetallation intermediates based on electronics of bridging arene ligands determined through pyridine titrations

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Article type
24 Чер 2024
25 Лип 2024
First published
27 Лип 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 18839-18844

Stability of metal–metal interactions in transmetallation intermediates based on electronics of bridging arene ligands determined through pyridine titrations

R. Marghalani and E. S. Cueny, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 18839 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01828A

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