Issue 20, 2024

From açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) waste to mannose and mannanoligosaccharides: a one-step process for recalcitrant mannan depolymerization using dilute oxalic acid


Açaí seeds are an abundant agroindustrial residue from the Brazilian Amazon region and comprise a rich source of linear mannan polysaccharide, which offers high potential for valorization into bioactive mannose and mannanoligosaccharides. This work optimizes mannose production from açaí seeds using dilute oxalic acid as a safer and greener alternative to sulfuric acid. Experiments were performed to analyze the effects of hydrolysis temperature, time and acid concentration, achieving a maximum mannose yield of 83% when employing 6.0% w/w oxalic acid at 177 °C for 15 min. This is the highest mannose yield ever reported for a one-step hydrolysis of recalcitrant linear mannan using an organic acid. In addition to mannose, this process coproduces mannanoligosaccharides in 9.6% yield. Furthermore, the economic viability of this novel process is demonstrated on an industrial scale via process simulation and techno-economic analysis of a biorefinery processing 6000 kg h−1 of açaí seeds. The simulated process considered oxalic acid recovery and recycling by chromatography, avoiding the use of a base for hydrolysate neutralization and the generation of salt waste, thus minimizing the environmental impacts of the process. The techno-economic analysis revealed a high profitability for a mannose selling price of US$ 10 per kg, resulting in a net present value of US$ 188 million and a payback period of 2.5 years after startup. Therefore, this work provides significant advances in mannose production, offering an efficient and economically viable one-step hydrolysis process that reduces waste, uses renewable raw materials and less harmful chemicals, and has the potential to contribute to a circular bioeconomy in the Amazon region.

Graphical abstract: From açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) waste to mannose and mannanoligosaccharides: a one-step process for recalcitrant mannan depolymerization using dilute oxalic acid

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
29 Лип 2024
09 Вер 2024
First published
11 Вер 2024

Green Chem., 2024,26, 10575-10592

From açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) waste to mannose and mannanoligosaccharides: a one-step process for recalcitrant mannan depolymerization using dilute oxalic acid

F. T. A. Jorge, I. S. Miguez, G. V. Brigagão and A. S. D. Silva, Green Chem., 2024, 26, 10575 DOI: 10.1039/D4GC03732D

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