Issue 12, 2024

〈11[2 with combining macron]0〉-orientation-dependent crack initiation in a titanium alloy under dwell fatigue


The crystal orientation of titanium alloys significantly influences the nucleation of dwell fatigue cracks, which deteriorate the service life of aero-engine components. Although soft/hard orientation combinations, depending on the orientation relationship between c-axes and loading directions, are widely recognized as favored crack nucleation sites, the effect of 〈11[2 with combining macron]0〉 orientations of soft grains on the cracking of adjacent hard grains is also crucial, and experimental investigation is desired. Here, we report that soft grains with a “rotation angle”, corresponding to the 〈11[2 with combining macron]0〉 orientation, between 15° and 30° are more prone to induce cracking in hard grains, for the reason that prismatic dislocation slips in these soft grains exert a higher stress normal to the basal plane of adjacent hard grains. In contrast, soft grains with a “rotation angle” between 0° and 15° rarely cause cracking in hard grains. A stress component parameter is proposed according to the “rotation angle”, which can accurately predict the nucleation of fatigue cracks in titanium alloys. The findings shed light on the quantitative analysis of crack nucleation and the prediction of fatigue performance.

Graphical abstract: 〈11 [[2 with combining macron]] 0〉-orientation-dependent crack initiation in a titanium alloy under dwell fatigue

Article information

Article type
07 Бер 2024
30 Кві 2024
First published
03 Тра 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Adv., 2024,5, 5148-5155

〈11[2 with combining macron]0〉-orientation-dependent crack initiation in a titanium alloy under dwell fatigue

Z. Zhou, C. Fang, B. Jiang, J. Qiu, L. Zhang, J. Lei, R. Yang and K. Du, Mater. Adv., 2024, 5, 5148 DOI: 10.1039/D4MA00230J

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