Issue 21, 2024

A reflection on ‘Self-assembly of aligned rutile@anatase TiO2 nanorod@CdS quantum dots ternary core–shell heterostructure: cascade electron transfer by interfacial design’


Interface design plays a pivotal role in optimizing the carrier separation and migration kinetics in artificial photosystems by meticulously aligning energy levels to facilitate the smooth flow of photogenerated charge carriers. In 2014, Liu et al., reported a facile and efficient layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly strategy for the preparation of a rutile@anatase TiO2 NRs@CdS QDs ternary core–shell heterostructure, in which an in situ formed monodispersed anatase TiO2 layer is intimately sandwiched in-between rutile TiO2 nanorods (NRs) and CdS quantum dots (QDs), achieving efficient charge separation (F.-X. Xiao, J. Miao and B. Liu, Mater. Horiz., 2014, 1, 259–263, Here, we briefly review the subsequent research on LbL assembly mediated interface design, triggered by this work, aiming to explore in depth the key role of the interface engineering afforded by this booming strategy in finely regulating the charge transport and separation for solar energy conversion.

Graphical abstract: A reflection on ‘Self-assembly of aligned rutile@anatase TiO2 nanorod@CdS quantum dots ternary core–shell heterostructure: cascade electron transfer by interfacial design’

Article information

Article type
First published
30 Вер 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 5136-5140

A reflection on ‘Self-assembly of aligned rutile@anatase TiO2 nanorod@CdS quantum dots ternary core–shell heterostructure: cascade electron transfer by interfacial design’

X. Yan, J. Yuan, F. Xiao and B. Liu, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 5136 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH90096K

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