Issue 23, 2024

A comprehensive review of challenges and advances in exosome-based drug delivery systems


Exosomes or so-called natural nanoparticles have recently shown enormous potential for targeted drug delivery systems. Several studies have reported that exosomes as advanced drug delivery platforms offer efficient targeting of chemotherapeutics compared to individual polymeric nanoparticles or liposomes. Taking structural constituents of exosomes, viz., proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, into consideration, exosomes are the most promising carriers as genetic messengers and for treating genetic deficiencies or tumor progression. Unfortunately, very little attention has been paid to the factors like source, scalability, stability, and validation that contribute to the quality attributes of exosome-based drug products. Some studies suggested that exosomes were stable at around −80 °C, which is impractical for storing pharmaceutical products. Currently, no reports on the shelf-life and in vivo stability of exosome formulations are available. Exosomes are quickly cleared from blood circulation, and their in vivo distribution depends on the source. Considering these challenges, further studies are necessary to address major limitations such as poor drug loading, reduced in vivo stability, a need for robust, economical, and scalable production methods, etc., which may unlock the potential of exosomes in clinical applications. A few reports based on hybrid exosomes involving hybridization between different cell/tumor/macrophage-derived exosomes with synthetic liposomes through membrane fusion have shown to overcome some limitations associated with natural or synthetic exosomes. Yet, sufficient evidence is indispensable to prove their stability and clinical efficacy.

Graphical abstract: A comprehensive review of challenges and advances in exosome-based drug delivery systems

Article information

Article type
Review Article
15 Чер 2024
22 Вер 2024
First published
29 Жов 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2024,6, 5803-5826

A comprehensive review of challenges and advances in exosome-based drug delivery systems

S. S. Palakurthi, B. Shah, S. Kapre, N. Charbe, S. Immanuel, S. Pasham, M. Thalla, A. Jain and S. Palakurthi, Nanoscale Adv., 2024, 6, 5803 DOI: 10.1039/D4NA00501E

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