Issue 19, 2024

Metal–organic framework derived micro-/nano-materials: precise synthesis and clean energy applications


Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and their derived materials have emerged as leading contenders in the realm of advanced materials science, heralded for their versatility, high surface areas, and tunable properties. These materials distinguish themselves through their exceptional ability to be tailored during synthesis, offering precise control over their morphology and functionalities. The derivation process from MOFs not only preserves their inherent large surface areas but also enhances their electrical conductivity and stability. Herein, we summarize the different synthetic strategies of MOF-derived micro-/nano-materials to date, including but not limited to calcining, phosphating, sulfurization, the selenylation method, ion exchange, and etching strategies. Recent progress in MOF-derived micro-/nano-nanomaterials for various applications including supercapacitors, metal-ion batteries, Li–S batteries, metal–air batteries, hydrogen evolution reaction, oxygen evolution reaction and oxygen reduction reaction is reviewed. Through detailed summary of these applications and the innovative approaches for their synthesis, this work highlights the utility and potential that MOF-derived materials hold. Concluding with a discussion on the challenges and future prospects of these materials, we underscore their transformative potential in advancing materials science and technology.

Graphical abstract: Metal–organic framework derived micro-/nano-materials: precise synthesis and clean energy applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
10 Лип 2024
13 Сер 2024
First published
15 Сер 2024

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024,11, 6275-6306

Metal–organic framework derived micro-/nano-materials: precise synthesis and clean energy applications

G. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Liu, G. Du and H. Pang, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, 11, 6275 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI01732C

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