Issue 29, 2024

Size and morphology control over MOF-74 crystals


Precise control of the size and morphology of metal–organic framework (MOF) crystals is challenging yet critical for the expansion of the application potential of MOF materials. This work presents a detailed investigation of the impact of various synthetic conditions such as reactant ratio, acidity, capping agent, reaction solution (H2O, ethanol and DMF) etc. on the size and morphology of Mg-MOF-74, a classical MOF with record high CO2 uptake capacity. By varying these fabrication parameters and modulators, the morphology and size of crystals can be precisely tuned in the nanometer to micrometer range. Particularly, the nanosized flaky Mg-MOF-74 crystals with an aspect ratio of ∼0.5 were synthesized for the first time by varying the amount of water. The MOF-74 crystals with different size and morphologies are good candidates for more advanced applications favored by crystal size and morphology control.

Graphical abstract: Size and morphology control over MOF-74 crystals

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Article type
29 Тра 2024
23 Чер 2024
First published
28 Чер 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 20604-20608

Size and morphology control over MOF-74 crystals

C. Wu, X. Chu, X. Wu, H. Zhou, Y. Zeng, D. Wang and W. Liu, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 20604 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA03943B

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