Issue 12, 2024

Utilizing 2D metal halide perovskite thin films as highly tuneable surfaces for orientation control of energetic materials


The development of high performing and stable energetic materials (EMs) is a focus for a variety of applications including explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics. To enhance stability, energetic crystals are often interfaced with materials such as chemical binders, which can introduce a variety of physiochemical phenomena ultimately leading to unpredictable stability and performance within the composite. Therefore, a thorough understanding of how energetic crystals behave when interfaced with various chemical functionalities is crucial for designing safer, high performing energetic formulations. This work provides a fundamental insight into interactions between a high performing energetic material, CL-20 (hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane), and other materials' surfaces. Highly controlled, tunable 2D metal-halide perovskite (2D MHP) templates with tunable periodicity and chemistry were created and used as a template layer to influence nucleation and growth of CL-20 crystals. All MHP/CL-20 bilayer films exhibit small, nonuniform crystalline deposit morphology for the CL-20 crystals with β-CL-20 polymorphic structure. While most MHP films template the formation of β-CL-20 crystals with a (111) preferential orientation, PbPMA2Cl4/β-CL-20 films crystallize with a (020) preferential orientation. The results presented herein suggest interfacial energy minimization between the two bilayer components is the dominant driving force behind the CL-20 preferential orientations. This methodology can potentially be used for developing techniques for growing energetic crystals with desired morphology, packing density and crystallographic orientation.

Graphical abstract: Utilizing 2D metal halide perovskite thin films as highly tuneable surfaces for orientation control of energetic materials

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Article type
17 Кві 2024
28 Сер 2024
First published
18 Вер 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

React. Chem. Eng., 2024,9, 3248-3256

Utilizing 2D metal halide perovskite thin films as highly tuneable surfaces for orientation control of energetic materials

N. Smith-Papin, M. Phister, A. Conley, N. Swami, Z. Dreger and G. Giri, React. Chem. Eng., 2024, 9, 3248 DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00206G

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