Issue 3, 2024

Symmetry breaking charge transfer leading to charge separation in a far-red absorbing bisstyryl-BODIPY dimer


Symmetry breaking charge transfer is one of the important photo-events occurring in photosynthetic reaction centers that is responsible for initiating electron transfer leading to a long-lived charge-separated state and has been successfully employed in light-to-electricity converting optoelectronic devices. In the present study, we report a newly synthesized, far-red absorbing and emitting BODIPY-dimer to undergo symmetry-breaking charge transfer leading to charge-separated states of appreciable lifetimes in polar solvents. Compared to its monomer analog, both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence originating from the S1 state of the dimer revealed quenching which increased with an increase in solvent polarity. The electrostatic potential map from DFT and the time-dependent DFT calculations suggested the existence of a quadrupolar type charge transfer state in polar solvents, and the singlet excited state to be involved in the charge separation process. The electrochemically determined redox gap being smaller than the energy of the S1 state supported the thermodynamic feasibility of the envisioned symmetry-breaking charge transfer and separation. The spectrum of the charge-separated state arrived from spectroelectrochemical studies, revealing diagnostic peaks helpful for transient spectral interpretation. Finally, ultrafast transient pump-probe spectroscopy provided conclusive evidence of diabatic charge separation in polar solvents by far-red pulsed laser light irradiation. The measured lifetime of the final charge-separated states was found to be 165 ps in dichlorobenzene, 140 ps in benzonitrile, and 43 ps in dimethyl sulfoxide, revealing their significance in light energy harvesting, especially from the less-explored far-red region.

Graphical abstract: Symmetry breaking charge transfer leading to charge separation in a far-red absorbing bisstyryl-BODIPY dimer

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Article type
Edge Article
23 Вер 2023
14 Гру 2023
First published
15 Гру 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 906-913

Symmetry breaking charge transfer leading to charge separation in a far-red absorbing bisstyryl-BODIPY dimer

A. Yahagh, R. R. Kaswan, S. Kazemi, P. A. Karr and F. D'Souza, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 906 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC05034C

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