Issue 5, 2024

Switchover from singlet oxygen to superoxide radical through a photoinduced two-step sequential energy transfer process


The competitive nature of type II photosensitizers in the transfer of excitation energy for the generation of singlet oxygen (1O2) presents significant challenges in the design of type I photosensitizers to produce the superoxide anion radical (O2˙−). In this study, we present an efficient method for the direct transformation of type II photosensitizers into type I photosensitizers through the implementation of an artificial light-harvesting system (ALHSs) involving a two-step sequential energy transfer process. The designed supramolecular complex (DNPY-SBE-β-CD) not only has the ability to generate 1O2 as type II photosensitizers, but also demonstrates remarkable fluorescence properties in aqueous solution, which renders it an efficient energy donor for the development of type I photosensitizers ALHSs, thereby enabling the efficient generation of O2˙−. Meanwhile, to ascertain the capability and practicality of this method, two organic reactions were conducted, namely the photooxidation reaction of thioanisole and oxidative hydroxylation of arylboronic acids, both of which display a high level of efficiency and exhibit significant catalytic performance. This work provides an efficient method for turning type II photosensitizers into type I photosensitizers by a two-step sequential energy transfer procedure.

Graphical abstract: Switchover from singlet oxygen to superoxide radical through a photoinduced two-step sequential energy transfer process

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Article type
Edge Article
01 Лис 2023
05 Гру 2023
First published
05 Січ 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 1870-1878

Switchover from singlet oxygen to superoxide radical through a photoinduced two-step sequential energy transfer process

S. Yu, R. Zhu, K. Niu, N. Han, H. Liu and L. Xing, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 1870 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC05820D

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