Issue 16, 2024

Rational design of CT-coupled J-aggregation platform based on Aza-BODIPY for highly efficient phototherapy


Supramolecular engineering is exceptionally appealing in the design of functional materials, and J-aggregates resulting from noncovalent interactions offer intriguing features. However, building J-aggregation platforms remains a significant challenge. Herein, we report 3,5-dithienyl Aza-BODIPYs with a donor–acceptor–donor (D–A–D) architecture as the first charge transfer (CT)-coupled J-aggregation BODIPY-type platform. The core acceptor moieties in one molecule interact with donor units in neighboring molecules to generate slip-stacked packing motifs, resulting in CT-coupled J-aggregation with a redshifted wavelength up to 886 nm and an absorption tail over 1100 nm. The J-aggregates show significant photoacoustic signals and high photothermal conversion efficiency of 66%. The results obtained in vivo show that the J-aggregates have the potential to be used for tumor photothermal ablation and photoacoustic imaging. This study not only demonstrates Aza-BODIPY with D–A–D as a novel CT-coupled J-aggregation platform for NIR phototherapy materials but also motivates further study on the design of J-aggregation.

Graphical abstract: Rational design of CT-coupled J-aggregation platform based on Aza-BODIPY for highly efficient phototherapy

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Article type
Edge Article
28 Гру 2023
26 Лют 2024
First published
27 Лют 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 5973-5979

Rational design of CT-coupled J-aggregation platform based on Aza-BODIPY for highly efficient phototherapy

S. Wu, W. Zhang, C. Li, Z. Ni, W. Chen, L. Gai, J. Tian, Z. Guo and H. Lu, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 5973 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06976A

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