Issue 33, 2024

Fast photochromism of helicene-bridged imidazole dimers


The unique optical and magnetic properties of organic biradicaloids on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are of fundamental interest in the development of novel organic optoelectronic materials. Open-shell π-conjugated molecules with helicity have recently attracted a great deal of attention due to the magnetic-field-dependence and spin-selectivity arising from the combination of helical chirality and electron spins. However, the molecular design for helical biradicaloids is limited due to the thermal instability and high reactivity. Herein, we achieved fast photochromic reactions and reversible photo-generation of biradical species using helicene-bridged imidazole dimers. A [9]helicene-bridged imidazole dimer exhibits reversible photochromism upon UV light irradiation. The transient species produced reversibly by UV light irradiation exhibited ESR spectra with a fine structure characteristic of a triplet radical pair, indicating the reversible generation of the biradical. The half-life of the thermal recombination reaction of the biradical was estimated to be 29 ms at 298 K. Conversely, a substantial activation energy barrier was confirmed for the intramolecular recombination reaction in the [7]helicene-bridged imidazole dimer, attributed to the extended pitch length of [7]helicene. The temperature dependence of the thermal back reactions revealed that the [7]helicene and [9]helicene moieties functioned as ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ molecular bridges, respectively. These findings pave the way for future advances in the development of photoswitchable helical biradicaloids.

Graphical abstract: Fast photochromism of helicene-bridged imidazole dimers

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Article type
Edge Article
31 Тра 2024
19 Лип 2024
First published
19 Лип 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 13343-13350

Fast photochromism of helicene-bridged imidazole dimers

K. Mutoh and J. Abe, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 13343 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC03578J

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