Issue 39, 2024

Stabilizing an exotic dianionic tetrazine bridge in a Ln2 metallocene


The unique electronic nature of the 1,2,4,5-tetrazine or s-tetrazine (tz) ring has sparked tremendous scientific interest over the last few years. Tetrazines have found numerous applications, and their ability to coordinate to metal ions has opened the possibility of exploring their chemistry in both molecular systems and extended networks. The rich redox chemistry of s-tetrazines allows them to exchange electrons and switch between their dihydro (H2tz), neutral (tz), and radical (tz˙) forms. Previous reports in the literature have observed electrochemically that a second electron can potentially be stored in the tetrazinyl ring and form a dianionic species. However, due to its extremely reactive nature, this has not been isolated before. Herein, the combination of strictly anhydrous and inert conditions, strong reducing agents, non-acidic solvents and most importantly blocking the accessibility of the nitrogen atoms by coordinating them to lanthanide ions allowed for the stabilization of a dianionic tetrazine in a lanthanocene complex. Three dinuclear metallocene complexes are reported, [(Cp*2Ln)2(tz˙)(THF)2](BPh4) (Ln = Y (1-Y); Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl; THF = tetrahydrofuran) and [(Cp*2Ln)2(tz2−)(THF)2]·2THF (Ln = Gd (2-Gd), or Y (2-Y)), which utilize the unsubstituted tz as the ligand. In 1-Ln, the tz ligand is reduced to the radical anion (tz˙), while in 2-Ln, the tz ligand is in the −2 charge state. These complexes are the first structurally and physically characterized complexes bearing the dianion radical of an s-tetrazine. Detailed structural analysis, ab initio calculations, and physical characterization support that the tz2− ligand is a closed-shell planar dianion with unique structural features vastly different from those of the tz, tz˙ and H2tz species.

Graphical abstract: Stabilizing an exotic dianionic tetrazine bridge in a Ln2 metallocene

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Article type
Edge Article
06 Чер 2024
05 Вер 2024
First published
06 Вер 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 16234-16242

Stabilizing an exotic dianionic tetrazine bridge in a Ln2 metallocene

N. Mavragani, A. A. Kitos, A. Mansikkamäki and M. Murugesu, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 16234 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC03734K

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