Issue 43, 2024

Porous liquids: an integrated platform for gas storage and catalysis


Porous liquids (PLs) represent a new frontier in materials design, combining the unique features of fluidity in liquids and permanent porosity in solids. By engineering well-defined pores into liquids via designed structure modification techniques, the greatly improved free volume significantly enhances the gas transport and storage capability of PL sorbents. Triggered by the promising applications of PLs in gas separation, PLs are further explored in catalysis particularly to integrate the gas storage and catalytic transformation procedure. This emerging field has demonstrated promising progress to advance catalytic procedures using PLs as catalysts, with performance surpassing that of the pure liquid and porous host counterparts. In this perspective article, the recent discoveries and progress in the field of integrated gas storage and catalysis by leveraging the PL platforms will be summarized, particularly compared with the traditional homogeneous or heterogeneous catalytic procedures. The unique features of PLs endow them with combined merits from liquid and solid catalysts and beyond which will be illustrated first. This will be followed by the unique techniques being utilized to probe the porosity and active sites in PLs and the structural evolution during the catalytic procedures. The catalytic application of PLs will be divided by the reaction categories, including CO2-involving transformation, O2-involving reaction, H2S conversion, hydrogenation reaction, and non-gas involving cascade reactions. In each reaction type, the synthesis approaches and structure engineering techniques of PLs, structure characterization, catalytic performance evaluation, and reaction mechanism exploration will be discussed, highlighting the structure–performance relationship and the advancement benefiting from the unique features of PLs.

Graphical abstract: Porous liquids: an integrated platform for gas storage and catalysis

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Article type
28 Чер 2024
09 Жов 2024
First published
18 Жов 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 17720-17738

Porous liquids: an integrated platform for gas storage and catalysis

E. Li, K. M. Siniard, Z. Yang and S. Dai, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 17720 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC04288C

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