Issue 13, 2024

Design of Bi-functional mixed oxide electrodes for selective oxidative C–C cleavage of glycerol to formate and synchronized green hydrogen production


Alkaline water electrolysis is a mature method to produce green hydrogen; however, it suffers from significantly high cost as high overpotentials are required for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). However, the OER could be avoided altogether by replacing it with kinetically favorable oxidation of abundantly available feedstock molecules at a significantly low potential to value-added product(s) together with green hydrogen generation. This is a potential method to address the high cost of green hydrogen production while converting waste to wealth. Herein, we report green, template-free hydrothermal synthesis of an electrochemically active NiCoMn mixed oxide (NCMO) electrocatalyst with multiple sites, porous structure, large surface area, and nanoneedle (NN) morphology deposited directly over Ni foam (NF). Sustainable electrocatalytic performance was demonstrated for 120 h in 0.2 M alkaline glycerol using chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry. Highly selective formate production demonstrated an exclusive C–C cleavage with the present catalyst system. Oxides of individual metal-ions (Ni, Co, and Mn) and their bimetallic combination (NiCo, NiMn, and CoMn) exhibited lower activity and product selectivity than the trimetallic NCMO electrocatalyst. The membrane-free two-electrode electrolyzer setup with NCMO/NF at both the anode and cathode (NCMO/NF‖NCMO/NF) requires 1.63 V to accomplish 100 mA cm−2 with 0.2 M glycerol, which is 296 mV less than that of 1 M KOH solution. High faradaic efficiency was observed for hydrogen (98%) with highly selective formate (90%) production. Electrocatalytic formate generation from an alkaline glycerol solution with NCMO is an energy-efficient and promising approach that also supplies carbon-negative green H2.

Graphical abstract: Design of Bi-functional mixed oxide electrodes for selective oxidative C–C cleavage of glycerol to formate and synchronized green hydrogen production

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Article information

Article type
29 Бер 2024
22 Тра 2024
First published
22 Тра 2024

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024,8, 2954-2968

Design of Bi-functional mixed oxide electrodes for selective oxidative C–C cleavage of glycerol to formate and synchronized green hydrogen production

A. Saha, V. Murugiah, R. Ranjan, I. Chauhan, K. K. Patra, H. Bajpai, A. Saha and C. S. Gopinath, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2024, 8, 2954 DOI: 10.1039/D4SE00434E

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