Issue 22, 2024

Enhanced hydrogen production via assisted biomass gasification using lithium manganate as a bifunctional material


The rising energy demand, among other economic and technological factors, has resulted in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, it is crucial to develop technologies to produce clean energy, such as hydrogen (H2) generation from biomass sources. In this context, the use of alkaline ceramics has been reported to show promising results for pyrolysis and gasification processes. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate hydrogen production based on the bifunctional activity of lithium manganate (Li2MnO3) using glucose and cellulose molecules as biomass models. Furthermore, the effect of the heating rate and biomass : ceramic molar ratio was evaluated. The results for glucose showed that the addition of Li2MnO3 during its pyrolysis highly enhanced and shifted H2 production to lower temperatures through an assisted gasification process, reducing Mn4+ ions to Mn3+ and Mn2+. Besides, solid products evidenced carbon capture, which mainly contributed to improving H2/COx ratios. Thereafter, during cellulose evaluation, under optimal glucose : Li2MnO3 experimental pyrolytic conditions, the results corroborated the bifunctional application of the ceramic. Thus, further studies on the biomass assisted-gasification process using modified Li–Mn-based ceramics have significance to enhance the H2 production and purity, while reducing the emission of carbon oxides.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced hydrogen production via assisted biomass gasification using lithium manganate as a bifunctional material

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Article type
10 Січ 2024
22 Кві 2024
First published
22 Кві 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 13374-13390

Enhanced hydrogen production via assisted biomass gasification using lithium manganate as a bifunctional material

C. Hernández-Fontes, N. Wang, N. Gómez-Garduño and H. Pfeiffer, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 13374 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA00224E

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