Issue 45, 2024

Ultrathin carbon layer-coated mesoporous core–shell-type FeP/Fe2O3/C for the hydrogen evolution reaction


Due to their low cost and high abundance, iron-based electrocatalysts are considered a promising alternative to platinum for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Herein, we synthesized and evaluated a mesoporous core–shell-type iron phosphide/iron oxide (FeP/Fe3O4) coated with few ultrathin carbon layers as an electrocatalyst for the HER. FeP/Fe3O4 was produced through the partial phosphidation of Fe3O4 mesoporous microspheres. Our findings indicate that even partial phosphidation activates the surface of Fe3O4 for the HER and that FeP/Fe3O4 outperforms pure FeP. Although FeP/Fe3O4 exhibited higher electrochemical impedance and charge-transfer resistance compared to FeP, the FeP/Fe3O4 electrode demonstrated superior performance in both acidic and basic electrolytes. In acidic solution, the η10 values for FeP/Fe3O4/C and FeP/C were approximately 90 and 135 mVRHE, respectively, while in basic medium, they were approximately 303 and 261 mVRHE. In addition, the specific activity of the FeP/Fe3O4 electrode, normalized to the electrochemically active surface area, surpassed that of the FeP electrode. The superior performance of FeP/Fe3O4 was linked to its active centers and turnover frequency (TOF). Specifically, the number of active sites in FeP/Fe3O4 was 1.58 × 10−8 mol, whereas in FeP, it was 1.2 × 10−8 mol. At η = 90 mVRHE, the TOF of the FeP/Fe3O4 electrode was estimated to be 0.47 s−1, approximately 2-fold higher than that of FeP (0.47 s−1). Estimation of the exchange current density (io) and Tafel slopes indicated faster HER kinetics at the catalytic interface of FeP/Fe3O4 (0.18 mA cm−2, 62 mV dec−1) compared to FeP (0.12 mA cm−2, 89 mV dec−1). In addition, the FeP/Fe3O4 electrode maintained a stable current density (20 mA cm−2) for 24 h of continuous operation. Two spin-polarized DFT models were used to obtain information on the Gibbs free energy (ΔGH) and the corresponding adsorption energy (ΔEH). These models included a FeP surface with and without carbon layers, as well as a surface consisting of FeP and Fe3O4. In addition, the calculations offered insights into the stability of the phosphide surface, both with and without carbon layers.

Graphical abstract: Ultrathin carbon layer-coated mesoporous core–shell-type FeP/Fe2O3/C for the hydrogen evolution reaction

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Article information

Article type
21 Кві 2024
07 Жов 2024
First published
08 Жов 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 31262-31275

Ultrathin carbon layer-coated mesoporous core–shell-type FeP/Fe2O3/C for the hydrogen evolution reaction

A. Adam, M. I. Díez-García, J. R. Morante, M. Ali, Z. Chen, Z. Tian and M. Qamar, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 31262 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA02746A

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