Issue 39, 2024

Synergistic dual-interface engineering with self-organizing Li-ion/electric fields for enhanced lithium metal anode stability


Lithium metal is promising anode material for next-generation ultra-high energy batteries due to its unparalleled theoretical capacity. Nonetheless, its practical application is largely hindered by interfacial instability. Herein, we propose an interfacial engineering strategy employing a sandwich-structured interface comprising a nano-silver (Ag) inner layer and a lithium chitosan sulfonate (LCS) outer layer. The lithophilic nano-silver layer, with its uniformly distributed three-dimensional structure, ensures a consistent interfacial electric field and robustly anchors the LCS, mitigating delamination or decoupling from the Li metal surface during Li plating/stripping. Simultaneously, the LCS coating, characterized by its polysaccharide glycosidic structure, not only delivers exceptional elasticity and mechanical strength but also serves as a robust artificial solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer, preserving the interface's structural integrity. Additionally, the LCS's sulfonic acid groups (–SO3Li) further promote uniform Li-ion flux and maintain high Li+ ionic conductivity. These synergistic effects significantly improve the specific discharge capacity and cycling stability of a C–AgLi‖LiCoO2 full cell, achieving a capacity retention of 83.8% after 350 cycles. These findings elucidate a pathway towards the practical utilization of Li metal anodes by enhancing Li-ion flux, electric field uniformity, and interface adhesion, thus effectively inhibiting Li dendrites.

Graphical abstract: Synergistic dual-interface engineering with self-organizing Li-ion/electric fields for enhanced lithium metal anode stability

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Article information

Article type
05 Тра 2024
02 Вер 2024
First published
11 Вер 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 26636-26644

Synergistic dual-interface engineering with self-organizing Li-ion/electric fields for enhanced lithium metal anode stability

Z. Li, K. Liao, L. Yin, Z. Li, Y. Li, H. Wang, N. Qin, S. Gu, J. Chen, W. Wan and Z. Lu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 26636 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA03128H

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