Issue 12, 2024

NIR-II emissive donor–acceptor–donor fluorophores for dual fluorescence bioimaging and photothermal therapy applications


Fluorescence bioimaging with near-infrared II (NIR-II) emissive organic fluorophores has proven to be a viable noninvasive diagnostic technique. However, there is still the need for the development of fluorophores that possess increased stability as well as functionalities that impart stimuli responsiveness. Through strategic design, we can synthesize fluorophores that possess not only NIR-II optical profiles but also pH-sensitivity and the ability to generate heat upon irradiation. In this work, we employ a donor–acceptor–donor (D–A–D) design to synthesize a series of NIR-II fluorophores. Here we use thienothiadiazole (TTD) as the acceptor, 3-hexylthiophene (HexT) as the π-spacer and vary the alkyl amine donor units: N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA), phenylpiperidine (Pip), and phenylmorpholine (Morp). Spectroscopic analysis shows that all three derivatives exhibit emission in the NIR-II region with λemimax ranging from 1030 to 1075 nm. Upon irradiation, the fluorophores exhibited noticeable heat generation through non-radiative processes. The ability to generate heat indicates that these fluorophores will act as theranostic (combination therapeutic and diagnostic) agents in which simultaneous visualization and treatment can be performed. Additionally, biosensing capabilities were supported by changes in the absorbance properties while under acidic conditions as a result of protonation of the alkyl amine donor units. The fluorophores also show minimal toxicity in a human mammary cell line and with murine red blood cells. Overall, initial results indicate viable NIR-II materials for multiple biomedical applications.

Graphical abstract: NIR-II emissive donor–acceptor–donor fluorophores for dual fluorescence bioimaging and photothermal therapy applications

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Article type
22 Гру 2023
19 Лют 2024
First published
23 Лют 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 4369-4383

NIR-II emissive donor–acceptor–donor fluorophores for dual fluorescence bioimaging and photothermal therapy applications

N. E. Sparks, C. Smith, T. Stahl, D. L. Amarasekara, C. Hamadani, E. Lambert, S. W. Tang, A. Kulkarni, B. M. Derbigny, G. S. Dasanayake, G. Taylor, M. Ghazala, N. I. Hammer, A. Y. Sokolov, N. C. Fitzkee, E. E. L. Tanner and D. L. Watkins, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 4369 DOI: 10.1039/D3TC04747D

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