Issue 43, 2024

Superior energy storage performance and transparency in (K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.97Ta0.03)O3-based ceramics


Lead-free transparent ferroelectric ceramics are an ideal material to meet the needs of pulsed power technology and optical transparency because of their excellent optical transparency and energy storage performances. However, it is difficult for lead-free ceramics to have both high energy storage performance and high optical transmittance, which limits the development of high-performance and multifunctional devices. Through this paper, we propose a method to construct strong relaxor ferroelectric KNN-based ceramics with nano-domains by adding Sr2+, Li+ and Nb5+, which greatly improves the transparent energy storage performance. By introducing appropriate amounts of Sr2+, Li+ and Nb5+, the sintering temperature is lowered; therefore, the growth of grains is inhibited. Fine rectangular grains and nanoscale domains are formed. The uneven distribution of potassium and sodium relieves the over-concentration of the electric field and ensures that the ceramics do not decompose under a high electric field. The 0.7(K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.97Ta0.03)O3–0.10LiNbO3–0.20SrCO3 ceramic has an ultra-high recoverable energy storage density (Wrec) of 5.9 J cm−3, excellent energy storage efficiency (η) of 84.2%, large dielectric breakdown strength (Eb) of 490 kV cm−1, high hardness value of 7.57 GPa, and good light transmittance of 43.0% (at 900 nm). Additionally, excellent temperature and frequency stability are obtained. The dense microstructure, nanoscale grains, symmetrical lattice structure, and strong relaxation behavior are the main reasons for obtaining high energy storage, hardness, and transparency properties.

Graphical abstract: Superior energy storage performance and transparency in (K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.97Ta0.03)O3-based ceramics

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Article information

Article type
28 Сер 2024
17 Вер 2024
First published
18 Вер 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 17439-17447

Superior energy storage performance and transparency in (K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.97Ta0.03)O3-based ceramics

W. Bi, Y. Li, J. Du, J. Sun, Z. Wang, W. Chao, J. Hao, P. Fu, P. Li and W. Li, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 17439 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03682D

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