Issue 10, 2024

Multi-metal (Fe, Cu, and Zn) coordinated hollow porous dodecahedron nanocage catalyst for oxygen reduction in Zn–air batteries


The coupling of multiple low-cost metals and porous nanocarbon materials aimed at replacing precious metals to enhance electrocatalytic oxygen reduction is a critical challenge in some crucial research areas. In the present study, a hollow dodecahedron nanocage catalyst (Fe3O4/CuNCs/ZnNx-PHNC) was constructed by supporting copper nanoclusters, Fe3O4 nanoparticles, and Zn–Nx after sintering and annealing through the coordination of ZIF-8 and by doping copper and iron ions. We observed that the synergy of the multi-metals in the magnetically separable heterojunction catalyst induced electron transfer and inhibited hydrogen peroxide formation, thus improving its catalytic performance for the oxygen-reduction reaction. The catalyst demonstrated a half-wave potential as high as 0.832 V and a Tafel slope of 54 mV decade−1, superior to many non-precious metal catalysts reported in the literature. The assembled Zn–air battery (ZAB) exhibited a maximum power density of 162 mW cm−2 and ultrahigh stability of >500 h at 5 mA cm−2 current density. The ZAB's excellent performance indicates its high development and practical application prospects.

Graphical abstract: Multi-metal (Fe, Cu, and Zn) coordinated hollow porous dodecahedron nanocage catalyst for oxygen reduction in Zn–air batteries

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Article type
08 Тра 2024
05 Вер 2024
First published
05 Вер 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Energy Adv., 2024,3, 2648-2657

Multi-metal (Fe, Cu, and Zn) coordinated hollow porous dodecahedron nanocage catalyst for oxygen reduction in Zn–air batteries

Y. Pan, Q. Yang, X. Liu, F. Qiu, J. Chen, M. Yang, Y. Fan, H. Song and S. Zhang, Energy Adv., 2024, 3, 2648 DOI: 10.1039/D4YA00295D

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