Issue 9, 2025

Insight into copper coordination in O2 reduction by water-soluble cytochrome c oxidase models


Iron–copper complexes have been extensively studied in the search for efficient cytochrome c oxidase models. Whereas most dinuclear materials usually focus on fine-tuning the coordination of heme-Fe, this work shows that the coordination of copper in cytochrome c oxidase models should be carefully taken into consideration. A β-cyclodextrin dimer was built around a bipyridine linker and combined with Fe-tetraphenylsulfonatoporphyrinate (FeTPPS) to generate a self-assembled hydrosoluble cytochrome c oxidase model. Cyclic voltammetry and rotating ring disk electrode experiments showed that this model with a tetrahedral coordination of copper(I) is efficient for the reduction of molecular oxygen with an average of 3.6 electrons indicating a preference and efficiency for the four-electron reduction to water.

Graphical abstract: Insight into copper coordination in O2 reduction by water-soluble cytochrome c oxidase models

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Article type
14 Лис 2024
15 Січ 2025
First published
16 Січ 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2025,54, 3659-3666

Insight into copper coordination in O2 reduction by water-soluble cytochrome c oxidase models

M. Berthe, C. Boudon, N. Le Breton, H. Kitagishi, K. Oohora, T. Hayashi, J. A. Wytko and J. Weiss, Dalton Trans., 2025, 54, 3659 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT03188A

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