Volume 255, 2025

Characterization of ephedrine HCl and pseudoephedrine HCl using quadrupolar NMR crystallography guided crystal structure prediction


Quadrupolar NMR crystallography guided crystal structure prediction (QNMRX-CSP) is a nascent protocol for predicting, solving, and refining crystal structures. QNMRX-CSP employs a combination of solid-state NMR data from quadrupolar nuclides (i.e., nuclear spin >1/2), static lattice energies and electric field gradient (EFG) tensors from dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D2*) calculations, and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data; however, it has so far been applied only to organic HCl salts with small and rigid organic components, using 35Cl EFG tensor data for both structural refinement and validation. Herein, QNMRX-CSP is extended to ephedrine HCl (Eph) and pseudoephedrine HCl (Pse), which are diastereomeric compounds that feature distinct space groups and organic components that are larger and more flexible. A series of benchmarking calculations are used to generate structural models that are validated against experimental data, and to explore the impacts of the: (i) starting structural models (i.e., geometry-optimized fragments based on either a known crystal structure or an isolated gas-phase molecule) and (ii) selection of unit cell parameters and space groups. Finally, we use QNMRX-CSP to predict the structure of Pse in the dosage form Sudafed® using only 35Cl SSNMR data as experimental input. This proof-of-concept work suggests the possibility of employing QNMRX-CSP to solve the structures of organic HCl salts in dosage forms – something which is often beyond the capabilities of conventional, diffraction-based characterization methods.

Graphical abstract: Characterization of ephedrine HCl and pseudoephedrine HCl using quadrupolar NMR crystallography guided crystal structure prediction

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03 Тра 2024
24 Чер 2024
First published
24 Чер 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Faraday Discuss., 2025,255, 88-118

Characterization of ephedrine HCl and pseudoephedrine HCl using quadrupolar NMR crystallography guided crystal structure prediction

C. H. Fleischer, S. T. Holmes, K. Levin, S. L. Veinberg and R. W. Schurko, Faraday Discuss., 2025, 255, 88 DOI: 10.1039/D4FD00089G

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