Reduced graphene oxides prepared via mass loading controlling non-explosive thermal reduction for high volumetric capacitance supercapacitors


Graphene oxide (GO) is known to undergo volume expansion during rapid and high temperature heat treatment, resulting in a low packing density and thus a poor volumetric capacitance. This paper reports a non-explosive thermal reduction strategy (NET) to prepare compact thermal reduced graphene oxide (NE-TRGO) by controlling the mass loading of the GO film below a typical value (< 5 mg cm-2). On one hand, the NET strategy effectively inhibits the expansion of graphene sheets, and thus the optimized NE-TRGO exhibits a high packing density of 1.94 g cm-3. On the other hand, NET strategy contributes to preserve the electrochemically active C-OH and C=O groups. Due to the high packing density and the abundance of electrochemically active groups, the gravimetric and volumetric capacitance of the optimized NE-TRGO were 314 F g-1 and 609 F cm-3 @ 0.1 A g-1, respectively, with excellent rate capability (160 F g-1 and 310 F cm-3 @ 10 A g-1) and significant cycling performance (~ 99% capacitance retention after 9 000 cycling at 5 A g-1). The assembled symmetric supercapacitor delivers an energy density of 9.5 W h L-1 at a power density of 96.7 W L-1 and 1.5 W h L-1 at a power density of 1056.3 W L-1. This NET strategy represents a simple and feasible heat treatment approach to control the packing density and oxygen functional groups of graphene-based materials toward compact energy storage devices.

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13 Лют 2025
11 Бер 2025
First published
12 Бер 2025

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Reduced graphene oxides prepared via mass loading controlling non-explosive thermal reduction for high volumetric capacitance supercapacitors

J. Tan, Z. Liu, W. Guo, G. Li and W. Wu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D5TA01172H

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