Heterogeneous Piezo-self-Fenton material design: intersecting solution for pollutant degradation and tumor therapy


Heterogeneous Piezo-self-Fenton (EPSF), an integration of piezocatalysis and heterogeneous Fenton reactions, forms the foundation for efficient redox interfacial reactions in complex environments. The significant generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the catalytic process and the mechanical energy-driven nature of EPSF provide distinct advantages in environmental remediation and biomedical applications. Numerous studies on EPSF catalysts have emerged in recent years across these fields. However, the construction approaches and design strategies for EPSF catalysts in various application scenarios remain unclear. This review synthesizes and analyzes studies on organic pollutant degradation and targeted tumor therapy. Based on the elucidation of redox processes in EPSF catalysis, the catalysts are categorized according to structural features, clarifying common material systems across different fields. The factors influencing EPSF catalytic performance are subsequently outlined, followed by an evaluation of corresponding enhancement strategies. Finally, design strategies for EPSF catalysts across applications are analyzed, emphasizing the commonalities and distinctions in catalyst design for different fields. Insights are provided to inform future catalyst development.

Article information

Article type
Review Article
15 Лис 2024
04 Бер 2025
First published
05 Бер 2025

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Heterogeneous Piezo-self-Fenton material design: intersecting solution for pollutant degradation and tumor therapy

J. Cai, J. Xiao, G. Du, Q. An and W. Tong, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TB02558J

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