Issue 43, 2024

A comparative review on the mitigation of metronidazole residues in aqueous media using various physico-chemical technologies


In the last few decades, pharmaceuticals have emerged as a new class of serious environmental pollutants. The presence of these emerging contaminants even in minimal amounts (micro- to nanograms) has side effects, and they can cause chronic toxicity to health and the environment. Furthermore, the presence of pharmaceutical contaminants in water resources leads to significant antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Hence, the removal of antibiotics from water resources is essential. Thus far, a wide range of methods, including adsorption, photodegradation, oxidation, photolysis, micro-/nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis, has been used to remove pharmaceutical contaminants from water systems. In this article, research related to the processes for the removal of metronidazole antibiotics from water and wastewater, including adsorption (carbon nanotubes (CNTs), magnetic nanocomposites, magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP), and metal–organic frameworks), filtration, advanced oxidation processes (photocatalytic process, electrochemical advanced oxidation processes, sonolysis and sonocatalysis) and aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs), was reviewed. Results reveal that advanced oxidation processes, especially photocatalytic and sonolysis processes, have high potential in removing MNZ (more than 90%).

Graphical abstract: A comparative review on the mitigation of metronidazole residues in aqueous media using various physico-chemical technologies

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Article information

Article type
Critical Review
13 Сер 2024
15 Жов 2024
First published
16 Жов 2024

Anal. Methods, 2024,16, 7294-7310

A comparative review on the mitigation of metronidazole residues in aqueous media using various physico-chemical technologies

M. Es'hagi, M. Farbodi, P. Gharbani, E. Ghasemi, S. Jamshidi, R. Majdan-Cegincara, A. Mehrizad, K. Seyyedi and G. H. Shahverdizadeh, Anal. Methods, 2024, 16, 7294 DOI: 10.1039/D4AY01502A

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