Issue 12, 2024

Strong, tough, and elastic poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyacrylamide DN hydrogels based on the Hofmeister effect for articular cartilage replacement


Traditional hydrogels are usually weak and brittle, which limit their application in articular cartilage replacement because cartilage is generally strong, tough, and elastic in nature. Therefore, it is highly desirable to construct hydrogels to mimic the mechanical properties of the native articular cartilage. Herein, in this work, poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyacrylamide (PVA/PAM) DN hydrogels were prepared by in situ polymerization, which were then treated with Hofmeister series ions (Cit3−, SO42−, and Cl) to achieve H-PVA/PAM DN hydrogels. Among the three Hofmeister ions, the DN hydrogel treated with Cit3− (named PVA/PAM–Cit) showed the densest microstructure and the highest crystallinity degree. In this context, PVA/PAM–Cit exhibited a tensile strength of 18.9 ± 1.6 MPa, a compressive strength of 102.3 ± 7.9 MPa, a tensile modulus of 10.6 ± 2.1 MPa, a compressive modulus of 8.9 ± 0.8 MPa, and a roughness of 66.2 ± 4.2 MJ m−3, respectively, which were the highest strength and modulus, and the second highest toughness when compared with those of the reported PVA and PVA based DN hydrogels so far. It also showed an extreme high elasticity, which could maintain a stress of 99.2% after 500 cycles of fatigue testing. Additionally, PVA/PAM–Cit can promote the adhesion, spreading and proliferation of chondrocytes. These results verify that such a strong, tough, and elastic hydrogel could be a novel candidate material for articular cartilage replacement.

Graphical abstract: Strong, tough, and elastic poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyacrylamide DN hydrogels based on the Hofmeister effect for articular cartilage replacement

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Article type
07 Лис 2023
20 Лют 2024
First published
20 Лют 2024

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 3079-3091

Strong, tough, and elastic poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyacrylamide DN hydrogels based on the Hofmeister effect for articular cartilage replacement

C. Yin, Z. Huang, Y. Zhang, K. Ren, S. Liu, H. Luo, Q. Zhang and Y. Wan, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 3079 DOI: 10.1039/D3TB02637J

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