Issue 1, 2025

Micro- and nanoplastic-mediated phototransformation and bioaccessibility of fluorinated liquid crystal monomer in aquatic environments


Micro- and nanoplastics are emerging pollutants that have attracted significant attention due to their potential to concentrate and transport coexisting organic pollutants in aquatic environments. Fluorinated liquid-crystal monomers (FLCMs) have also emerged as contaminants of concern, given their frequent occurrence, potential toxic effects, and propensity to co-occur with plastics in the environment. However, the influence of plastics on the environmental fate of FLCMs remains unclear yet. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the accumulation of a key FLCM, 4-cyano-3-fluorophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate (CEB-F), on three common plastics, and examined the effects of nanoplastics on the phototransformation of CEB-F and its acute toxicity to Daphnia magna (D. magna). Our findings revealed that the adsorption capacity of CEB-F on different plastic materials followed the order: polystyrene (PS) < mixed cellulose ester (MCE) < polyamide (PA). The adsorption processes of CEB-F on the three plastics aligned more closely with the pseudo-first-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm model, suggesting that the adsorption is primarily governed by physical diffusion. Theoretical calculations indicated that the adsorption of CEB-F on PS plastics is mainly driven by hydrophobic interactions. Additionally, PS nanoplastics (PSNPs) significantly enhanced the UV degradation of CEB-F, although the types of degradation intermediates did not change substantially, suggesting a limited impact on the degradation process and mechanism. Acute toxicity tests showed that PSNPs increased the toxicity of CEB-F to D. magna at lower concentrations, while the toxicity was reduced at higher concentrations. The obtained findings are of great significance to unraveling the plastic-mediated environmental fate and aquatic toxicity of FLCMs in natural waters.

Graphical abstract: Micro- and nanoplastic-mediated phototransformation and bioaccessibility of fluorinated liquid crystal monomer in aquatic environments

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Article information

Article type
09 Сер 2024
08 Гру 2024
First published
10 Гру 2024

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2025,12, 248-261

Micro- and nanoplastic-mediated phototransformation and bioaccessibility of fluorinated liquid crystal monomer in aquatic environments

Y. Feng, J. Wu, W. Lao, W. Ye, D. Guo, Z. Wang, X. Wu and R. W. S. Lai, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2025, 12, 248 DOI: 10.1039/D4EN00723A

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