Issue 1, 2025

Digital strategies to improve the product quality and production efficiency of fluorinated polymers: 2. Heat removal performance of reactor with internal and external cooling systems


This work aims to study the heat transfer performance of a sophisticated industrial suspension polymerization reactor, which is distinguished by its complex blade structure and capability in efficient heat removal as well as its precise control over temperature distribution through adjusting the flow ratio of cooling water in the agitator and jacket. To achieve this goal, the impact of flow ratio and agitator speed on the heat removal rate and fluid temperature gradient is systematically investigated by CFD simulation. Several indicators are developed to quantitatively assess the reactor's heat transfer capability and fluid temperature uniformity. In addition, a thorough investigation is undertaken to analyze the possible mechanisms by which these factors exert their influence on the heat transfer performance of the reactor. Finally, some strategies for optimal performance through adjusting operational parameters of this type of reactors are proposed.

Graphical abstract: Digital strategies to improve the product quality and production efficiency of fluorinated polymers: 2. Heat removal performance of reactor with internal and external cooling systems

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Article information

Article type
16 Кві 2024
07 Жов 2024
First published
07 Жов 2024

React. Chem. Eng., 2025,10, 106-118

Digital strategies to improve the product quality and production efficiency of fluorinated polymers: 2. Heat removal performance of reactor with internal and external cooling systems

X. Zhang, Y. Zhou, H. Chen, Z. Luo, L. Zhou, G. Yu, W. Liu and S. Zhu, React. Chem. Eng., 2025, 10, 106 DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00203B

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